Prepare for Mega Evolution! Ever since the feature was first introduced in 2013 with the Pokemon X and Pokemon Y games, Mega Evolution has been one of the most thrilling abilities in the Pokemon GO meta. Unlike evolving your Pokemon, which is permanent, Mega Evolution allows players to add some new features that exceed the normal boundaries of Evolution for an eight-hour period.
However, to make the most out of this process, you'll first need to learn which Pokemon can provide the most benefits in its Mega-Evolved state. Luckily, we made this tier list to help you make the best choice!
Table of Contents
Tier List Explanation
The 3 tiers used to divide the Pokemon are as follows:
- B-Tier - Solid mid-range choices
- A-Tier - Amazing attackers with minor drawbacks
- S-Tier - The best Pokemon for Mega Evolution
This list ranks the top 10 Mega Evolution attackers from worst to best for Pokemon GO, following the order with B-Tier, in this case, being the worst and S-Tier being the best.
Pokemon GO: B-Tier Mega Evolution Attackers

The best moves for Mega Absol are Snarl and Payback when attacking Pokemon in Gyms. This Pokemon is a good choice against Psychic and Ghost-type raid bosses and can be especially useful in Ultra and Master League battles.
- Magic Bounce Ability
- Immune to Psychic types
- Resists Dark and Ghost types
- Frail Defences
- Weakness to Bug, Fighting, and Fairy types

Mega Beedrill is considered a powerful Pokemon in certain situations, especially in the competitive battling scene. When Mega Beedrill Mega Evolves, its Attack and Speed become significantly better, making it a very fast and efficient attacker. However, this Pokemon has very low defence and stamina stats.
- High Attack power
- Deals significant damage
- Frail Defences
- Weakness to Fire, Rock, and Psychic moves

Mega Houndoom is one of the most versatile choices out there. This Pokemon is amazing for raids and gym battles since it boosts the attacks of other Fire and Dark-type Pokemon.
- Above average Defence
- Resists Ghost, Steel, Fire, Grass, Ice, and Ghost types
- Weakness to Rock, Ground, Water, and Fighting types
Pokemon GO: A-Tier Mega Evolution Attackers

Without a doubt, Mega Gyarados is highly effective against a variety of raid bosses, due to its versatility and high stats. This Pokemon is the perfect choice for both attacking and defending gyms. Its Waterfall and Hydro Pump moves are great against Fire, Ground, and Rock types.
- High Attack and Defence
- Versatile moveset
- Weakness to Electric, Fairy, Bug, and Grass types

Mega Swampert is highly effective, especially against Fire, Electric, Poison, Rock and Steel-type raid bosses. Its most powerful moves are Water and Ground-type moves. This Pokemon is an excellent choice for Mega Evolve since it's good for both attacking and defending gyms.
- High Attack and Defence stats
- Immune to Electric-type moves
- Vulnerable to Grass-type moves
- Moderate Speed

This Pokemon is a great choice against Fire, Bug, Flying, and Ice-type raid bosses. Mega Aerodactyl deals significant damage and it's great for both attacking and defending gyms. It has Rock and Flying-type moves - an amazing combination for strategic advantage.
- High Attack stat
- Versatile moveset
- High CP and powerful moves
- Not very durable
- Weakness to Water, Electric, Ice, and Steel types

With its high attack stat and powerful Ghost-type moves, Mega Banette can quickly take down gym defenders, especially the ones that are weak to Ghost-type moves. This Pokemon is a perfect choice for the Ultra and Master Leagues.
- High Attack stat
- Strong Ghost-type moves
- Frail Defences
- Weakness to Dark and Ghost-type moves.
Pokemon GO: S-Tier Mega Evolution Attackers

Mega Tyranitar is one of the most powerful and durable Pokemon out there. Don't be afraid to try it out in its Mega-Evolved form - you definitely won't regret it. Mega Tyranitar has high CP and powerful moves that provide a significant advantage in competitive play, especially in the Master League.
- Versatility
- Raid dominance
- Weakness to Fighting-type moves

Mega Blaziken is an extremely powerful force in Pokemon GO. It's a Fire and Fighting-type Pokemon and it gets a significant boost to its Attack and Speed stats upon Mega Evolution. The best moves for Mega Blaziken in raid battles are Fire Spin and Blast Burn.
- High Attack stat
- High CP and effectiveness
- Frail Defences

Mega Rayquaza was born to be a star! This Pokemon is an excellent choice for competitive battles due to its high Attack stats and devastating moves. Outrage and Draco Meteor are two of the most powerful moves of Mega Rayquaza.
- High Attack stat
- Raid dominance
- Weakness to Ice, Dragon, and Fairy-type moves.

It's important to remember that the Pokemon GO meta is constantly evolving along with the tier lists. Don't be afraid to experiment with the different Pokemon GO Mega Evolutions, so you can find out which one is the best choice for you!
Remember that every Pokemon GO Mega Evolution is a step forward towards becoming one of the best Trainers out there. Now it's time to take a quick look at our tier list summary.
Tier | Pokemon |
B-Tier | Mega Absol, Mega Beedrill, Mega Houndoom |
A-Tier | Mega Gyarados, Mega Aerodactyl, Mega Swampert, Mega Banette |
S-Tier | Mega Tyranitar, Mega Blaziken, Mega Rayquaza |
We hope you had fun with our Pokemon GO Mega Evolution tier list! For more information about Pokemon GO, you can check out this article.