It's the holiday season in the Pokemon GO world, marked by the annual Winter Holiday event. This year is extra special with the introduction of new Pokemon from the Paldea region. We will dive into all the details you need to know before Pokemon GO Winter Holiday 2023 Part 1 starts! Let's go!
Pokemon GO Winter Holiday 2023 Part 1 Release Date
Part 1 of the 2023 Winter Holiday event is something trainers can anticipate. Starting from December 18th at 10 AM local time and running until December 25th at 10 AM local time, Pokemon GO will take on a festive look, offering holiday joy and rewarding encounters and bonuses. This guide breaks down everything trainers need to maximize their experience during the event.
New Arrival: Cetitan Emerges!

The biggest draw of the Pokemon GO Winter Holiday 2023 Part 1 event is the long-anticipated arrival of Cetitan, the imposing whale Pokemon making its Pokemon GO debut. Alongside the mighty Cetitan comes its pre-evolution Cetoddle, appearing more frequently in spawns and 1-star raids. Catching and evolving Cetoddle is currently the only way to obtain the formidable Cetitan.
Wild Encounters in Pokemon GO Winter Holiday 2023 Part 1

Keep an eye out for the following Pokemon appearing more frequently in the wild during the event:
- Amaura
- Alolan Sandshrew
- Bergmite
- Cetoddle
- Cryogonal
- Eevee (Holiday costume)
- Galarian Darumaka
- Pikachu (Holiday costume)
- Piloswine
- Seel
- Sneasel
- Spheal (Holiday scarf)
- Stantler (Holiday costume)
- Swinub
Winter Raid Lineup in Pokemon GO Winter Holiday 2023 Part 1
Trainers can also challenge holiday-themed raid bosses throughout the event, including:
- 1-Star: Cetoddle, Crabrawler, Pikachu (Holiday costume)
- 3-Star: Dewgong, Glaceon, Lapras, Glaceon wearing an undersea holiday outfit
- 5-Star: Articuno
Use these raids to take on favorites like Lapras or shoot for high IV versions of Pokemon like Sneasel and Vanillite. And watch out for those pesky Ice-type attacks!
Field Research Encounters in Pokemon GO Winter Holiday 2023 Part 1

Field Research tasks lead to encounters with festive Pokemon including:
- Alolan Sandshrew
- Crabrawler
- Cubchoo (Holiday ribbon)
- Delibird (Holiday ribbon)
- Glaceon (Holiday costume)
- Jynx
- Lapras
- Pikachu (Holiday costume)
- Shellder
- Snover
- Spheal (Holiday scarf)
- Vanillite
Increased XP and Stardust
To help trainers better enjoy the festivities, Pokemon GO is providing increased XP and Stardust throughout Winter Holiday 2023 Part 1.
Catching Pokemon, spinning stops, hatching eggs - practically every activity will be extra rewarding. Players looking to level up or earn some quick Stardust to power up teams are in for a major boon!
There’s also special Timed Research with plenty of wintry reward encounters. Complete tasks and challenges over the week to earn gems and even rare Candy.
Essential Tips to Master Pokemon GO Winter Holiday 2023 Part 1
- Buddy Up - Having an Ice-type like Glaceon or Vanillite as your buddy will earn walking candy faster thanks to the winter event bonus.
- Freeze Opponents With Cetitan - This newcomer packs a real punch! Add Cetitan to battle parties as soon as possible.
- Open Gifts - Increased Stardust gains from gifts means sending and opening daily will pay off.
- Mega Evolve Abomasnow - This frosty mega evolution will provide increased candy and raid damage throughout the event.
- Curveball Carefully - Many event spawns like Swinub can be tricky to land excellent throws on. Take time to nail those curves!
Pokemon GO's Winter Holiday Part 1 event is going to feature iconic Ice-type Pokemon, exciting bonuses, and the much-anticipated debut of Cetitan. Don't miss out on the winter wonderland – bundle up and enjoy the festivities before the holiday season ends!