Project Slayers is a popular game on Roblox, inspired by the anime Demon Slayer. It offers codes for free spins and XP to help players improve their skills and clans. This simple guide lists the newest codes for January 2024, providing free spins and other rewards.

Active Project Slayers Codes January 2024
- NewYear2024Spins: Get 75 Clan Spins, 25 Daily Spins, and 25 Art Spins
- NewYear2024Breathing: Breathing Reset
- NewYear2024Race: Race Reset
Expired Project Slayers Codes
- 1millfavs
- 1millfavsbreathreset
- 1millfavsracereset
- 1o0MillVisits-_-
- 1o0MillVisits-_-BreathingReset
- 1o0MillVisits-_-RaceReset
- 200K+UpvotesTSYM
- 300kLikes!
- 350KUpvotes!
- 350KUpvotes!Breathing
- 400Klikess
- 400Klikesbreathingreset
- 400Klikesracereset
- 450Kupv
- 450KupvBreathingReset
- 450KupvRaceReset
- 500kLikeCode!
- AnotherDayAnotherShutdown
- EastaBreathingR3S3T
- FinallyReleaseTime!
- FlAm3!Shawcas31
- GettingThere!
- H@pPY3AsTeR
- HappyNewYears!
- HappyUpdateYears!
- How to Redeem Project Slayers Codes
- Ic38dA!
- LastCode?LOL
- MerryChristmas2022
- MerryChristmas2022BreathingReset
- MerryChristmas2022RaceReset
- MiniUpdate
- MiniUpdate3
- MiniUpdate3BreathingReset
- MiniUpdate3RaceReset
- MiniUpdateDaily
- MiniUpd2
- MiniUpd2BreathReset
- MiniUpd2RaceReset
- Miniupdate1.5
- MistBreathing!OMG!
- New500kLikesCode!
- NewAntiExploit
- ProjectShutdown
- ProjectShutdownBreathing
- ProjectShutdownRace
- Roblox@ItAgain
- Roblox@ItAgainBreathingReset
- Roblox@ItAgainRaceReset
- sCyth3Showcase!
- Sh0wC4s3beast
- Shutdown!
- ShutdownNumb2
- SorryForDataIssues
- SorryForIssuesToday
- SorryForShutdowns!
- SoryAgainGuys:V
- ThanksFor200MilVisitsBreathingReset
- ThanksFor200milVisitsRaceReset!
- ThanksFor200milVisitsRace
- ThanksFor350MVisits
- ThanksFor350MVisits2n
- ThanksFor500kVotes
- ThanksForLikes600K
- ThanksForLikes600K2
- Thx4300MNOuwohanaIsBack
- Thx4300MNOuwohanaIsBackBreathReset
- Thx4300MNOuwohanaIsBackRaceReset
- ThxFor400MVisits
- ThxFor650KVotes
- TwittaSpins
- Update1.5BreathReset
- Update1.5RaceReset
- Update1.5Spins
- Update309ArtSpins
- Update309BreathingReset
- Update309RaceReset
- Upd@te1B1gCodE
- Upd295MiniCode
- WereBackup

How to Use Codes in Project Slayers
Using codes in Project Slayers is easy. Here’s what you do:
- Open Project Slayers in Roblox.
- Press the "M" key to open the menu.
- Click the book icon.
- Type your code in the textbox.
- Press "Submit Code" to get your free stuff!

And that concludes our list of the latest codes for Project Slayers in January 2024. Remember to use these codes soon to make the most of your gaming experience. Keep an eye out for new codes and updates to keep leveling up in the game.