When first starting RAID: Shadow Legends you are definitely not going to have a ton of Champions and will have to make do with what you have to try and beat some of the game's harder content.
In this guide, we'll show you 6 Rare Champions that we believe are quite situational but do exceedingly well in the content they are used for.
Although these Champions are great, you might want to hold off on maxing them right away, but rather level them up slowly as you progress your account.
As always don’t forget to use our code below to get some amazing rewards when starting.
Remember to use our redeem code GAMELEAP for free rewards:
- 1x Energy Potion
- 100k Silver
- 10x XP Brews!
The GAMELEAP code works and unlocks the bonuses for new, as well as existing players in Raid Shadow Legends.
If you are new to RAID: Shadow Legends, Sign Up Here to receive the following rewards: The Epic champion - Lady Etessa, and many more goodies to help you start with the game!
Best Situational Rare Champions

- Situational Rare Champion
- Great for modes such as Doom Tower and Spider
- Do not rush Judge to level 60 if you get him, but when you have the resources and need some more help for the above-mentioned modes then Judge will be a great help.
- Judge does best with Crit / Speed / ACC gear.
- His A2 can fill his Turn Meter by 10% with every Crit, and since it hits every enemy, he gets a free turn at Spider.
- His A3 passive gives him a percent chance to place a random debuff for each of his hits, which is great for almost any situation.

- Situational Rare Champion.
- His only great use is against Scarab King in Doom Tower.
- His A2 when maxed out gives out a permanent shield which is great against Scarab King.
- Apart from his use against Scarab King Metalshaper is not used. anywhere else, so do not hurry to build him unless you need him.

Longsword Torrux
- A great Champion whose kit ties in really well.
- A good Provoke-based Defense Champion that has Counterattack and Leach built into his kit allowing him to both dish out damage and survive.
- Not necessarily worth raising to 60, but can be a good Champion to have on your bench.

- Another Provoke Tank.
- Has an Unkillable buff on his A3 which is great in most situations in the game and gives the ultimate form of survivability.
- Mass Provoke on enemies that can’t be resisted.
- Easy to max out with a small investment into Rare Skill Books.
- Good use in Doom Tower’s Secret Rooms.
- Great use against Phantom Shogun’s Grove.

Soulbond Bowyer
- An amazing Champion when built with ACC and control sets.
- Her A1 allows her to attack all enemies with an added 25% Crit Chance making her a great Champion against multiple enemies.
- Great in Rare Only / Spirit Only rooms in the Doom Tower.
- Good nuke potential with a ton of DEF ignore on her A2.
- Her A3 can fully deplete a target’s Turn Meter, which is a great thing to have on any Champion.

Frozen Banshee
- Amazing for Clan Boss teams
- A1 has a good chance of applying [Poison] and her whole kit ties into applying [Poison] on a target
- Does well when paired with other [Poison] applying teammates

As already mentioned all of the Champions shown above are only great in specific modes in the game, so before leveling them you should first focus on Champions that have a wider use.
Nonetheless, if you have some resources lying around and are looking for new Champions to build up, then the Champions above are great candidates and will offer great value if used in the modes they excel in.
For a more in-depth look into this guide feel free to check the video below.
And if you still haven't redeemed it, use our code below to get a great start on your RAID: Shadow Legends journey!
Remember to use our redeem code GAMELEAP for free rewards:
- 1x Energy Potion
- 100k Silver
- 10x XP Brews!
The GAMELEAP code works and unlocks the bonuses for new, as well as existing players in Raid Shadow Legends.
If you have yet to create an account then you can Sign Up Here to receive the following rewards: The Epic champion - Lady Etessa, and many more goodies to help you start with the game!