The power of epic and legendary Champions in Raid: Shadow Legends is clear. Less clear is the immense power hidden within some rare Champions, with some powerful enough to conquer endgame content amid teams of legendaries. Knowing which rares to keep and which to spend as 'food' in the Tavern is huge, so, here are our picks for the 8 rares that every account in Raid should eventually get to 6 stars!
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Best Rare Champions in Raid: Shadow Legends

Your Starter Champion
- Even as a beginner player, you've probably noticed how powerful your starting Champion is. Every starter Champ boasts powerful AoE skills at a minimum, and some, like Kael, make use of devastating poison effects to deal ungodly damage to bosses.
- For most accounts, your first ever 6-star Champion will be your starter, and they'll serve you well as your core damage dealer across a wide span of late-game content.

- Warmaiden is not only exceptionally powerful as an early-game rare due to her poison effects (helping you out versus early Clan Bosses), but she also develops into a late-game monster.
- The key to Warmaiden's late-game power lies in her A3, Crumbling Blast. This attack, when fully skilled up, has a 100% chance of cutting all enemy DEF stats by 60% for 2 turns.
- Warmaiden drops as loot in Campaign Stage 9, making leveling up her skills in the Tavern easily achievable via Warmaiden copies!

- Apothecary is one of the best rare Support Champions in Raid, partially due to his solid SPD stat, crucial for most Support Champs.
- His A1 attacks a random enemy 3 times which is immensely powerful versus bosses when combined with the Giant Slayer mastery.
- His A3, Boon of Speed, buffs allies with a massive 30% SPD buff, and also fills allied Turn Meters by 15%. Newer players may underestimate the power of the SPD stat, especially in later content, so we're here to let you know: SPD is everything!

- Bellower, due to all of his abilities being AoE, makes for a potent Campaign farmer in the early and mid game to level your roster.
- By the endgame, Bellower's role evolves. Need another wave clearing Champ to dunk on Spider? Bellower might be your ogre. Need a powerful Support Ogryn to carry you through Faction Wars or Support rooms in the Doom Tower? Slam some Stun gear on your Bellower and enjoy!

Pain Keeper
- Pain Keeper is a powerful rare in her own right when equipped with a bunch of SPD artifacts. However, her true power comes later in the game.
When combined with the Epic Champ, Maneater, Pain Keeper becomes an essential component in an unkillable Clan Boss team. This Champ combo combines Pain Keeper's A3, reducing allied cooldowns by 1 turn, with Maneater's ability to make your entire team temporarily unkillable. The results are well-worth holding onto Pain Keeper for!

- Coldheart's A3 may just be the most powerful rare Champ skill in all of Raid, reducing a single enemy's Turn Meter by 100%, having bonus critical hit chance, and dealing bonus damage based on a target's max HP. This thing detonates enemy bosses.
It bears mentioning that Coldheart's A3 Turn Meter decrease can be resisted. Therefore, it is worth building her with a solid amount of ACC to ensure this effect lands consistently!

Kurzad Deepheart
- Kurzad provides a team-wide 50% ACC buff with his A3, making him the perfect addition to many specialized boss-killer teams as they ascend to harder and harder difficulties.
- In addition, 2/3 of Kurzad's skills strike all enemies, making him particularly strong in a Stun set.
While Kurzad might not be as high priority as most other rare Champs on this list, he is definitely one worth keeping as your account matures into higher-level content!

- With a 7-second clear speed, Fellhound is undisputedly the fastest Campaign farming Champion in Raid: Shadow Legends.
- Fellhound also finds solid use as a wave clear Champ in Spider's Den, unsurprising given his A1 is a spammable AoE attack.
New to RAID: Shadow Legends?
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For a more in-depth breakdown of the best rare Champions to 6 star in RAID: Shadow Legends, check out our video guide below!