Dune Lord Greggor is one of the 5 new Legendaries coming in Update 8.50 and is joining the Barbarians Faction as their newest Faction Unity Champion.
Greggor is the only Barbarian joining this update, so if you’ve been looking to strengthen your Barbarian teams then now might be a perfect time to crack some shards.
Below we’ll go over what each of Dune Lord Greggor’s skills do and briefly introduce him as a Champion so don’t leave us just yet.
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- 1x Energy Potion
- 100k Silver
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The GAMELEAP code works and unlocks the bonuses for new, as well as existing players in Raid Shadow Legends.
If you are a new player and are thinking of starting RAID: Shadow Legends, Sign Up Here to receive the following rewards: An Epic Champion, and many more goodies to help you start with the game.
Table of Contents
Dune Lord Greggor Introduction
Champion | ||
![]() |
Faction: | ![]() |
Affinity: | ![]() |
Role: | Defense | |
Dune Lord Greggor | Rarity: | Legendary |
Stats | ||
HP | 19,485 | |
ATK | 793 | |
DEF | 1,487 | |
SPD | 105 | |
C. RATE | 15% | |
C. DMG | 50% | |
RES | 50 | |
ACC | 10 |
Dune Lord Greggor is a Defense Champion that can be said to work in almost the same way as Vault Keeper Wixwell.
Similar to Wixwell, Greggor does great in applying [Provoke] while also dealing damage and buffing his allies with his A3 skill.
Where Greggor shines is in his uniqueness as a Faction Unity Champion. When paired with other Barbarian Champions Greggor becomes not only a Defense Champion but also one hell of a solid support that gives out a ton of great buffs and can also manipulate the turn order, which is a crucial skill to have in RAID.
Greggor is overall a solid Champion to have, and if you do not plan to push for Wixwell’s fusion, then he is the closest you will get to Wixwell in terms of skills and use.
This is the part where our introduction for Dune Lord Greggor comes to an end, and now it's time to look at his skills.
Dune Lord Greggor Skills


Desert Ax
- Description:
- Attacks 1 enemy.
- Has a 50% chance of placing a [Provoke] debuff for 1 turn.
- Level Effects:
- Lvl.2 - Damage +5%
- Lvl.3 - Damage +5%
- Lvl.4 - Damage +5%
- Lvl.5 - Damage +5%

- Description:
- Attacks all enemies.
- Decreases the duration of all enemy buffs by 1 turn, and increases the duration of all ally buffs by 1 turn.
- Also places a [Shield] buff on all allies for 2 turns, equal to 20% of this Champion’s MAX HP.
- Cooldown: 4 Turns
- Level Effects:
- Lvl.2 - Damage +10%
- Lvl.3 - Damage +10%
- Lvl.4 - Cooldown -1

Bestial Yell
- Description:
- Places a 50% [Increase ATK] buff and a 50% [Increase ACC] buff on all allies for 2 turns.
- Barbarians Unity:
- 1 Faction Ally: Decreases the cooldown of all ally skills, except this Champion’s, by 1 turn.
- 2 Faction Allies: Fills the Turn Meters of all allies by 20%.
- 3 Faction Allies: Activates an [Instant Turn] effect on the ally with the highest C.DMG, except this Champion.
- Cooldown: 6 Turns
- Level Effects:
- Lvl.2 - Cooldown -1
- Lvl.3 - Cooldown -1

Desert Monolith
- This Champion’s ACC is increased by 50 if they have no active debuffs.
- Barbarians Unity:
- 1 Faction Ally: Allies deal 25% more damage to enemies under [Stun], [Sleep], [Fear], [True Fear], [Provoke], [Freeze], and [Petrification] debuffs. If there are multiple Champions on the team with this skill, this effect will only activate once.
- 2 Faction Allies: Allies ignore 50% of the target’s RES when applying [Stun], [Sleep], [Fear], [True Fear], [Provoke], [Freeze], and [Petrification] debuffs.
- 3 Faction Allies: When counterattacking, instant effects and debuffs placed by ally skills cannot be resisted or blocked.

DEF Aura
- Increases Ally DEF in All Battles by 25%.
- Increases Ally ACC in all Battles by 40 (only applies to Barbarians).

Greggor is a fantastic addition to the Barbarian Faction and a great replacement for Vault Keeper Wixwell.
It cannot be denied that Greggor’s kit is quite similar to that of Wixwell’s and although he is somewhat weaker when it comes to simply comparing their kits, Greggor has the advantage of being a Faction Unity Champion.
When paired with other Barbarians Greggor can shine as an amazing Defense unit that can not only draw attacks to him but also protect his allies with shields and buffs.
If you’re on the lookout for a Champion that can make your Barbarians stronger, and open the doors to all-Barbarian teams then Dune Lord Greggor is certainly a great pick.
If you're looking for the best way to start RAID: Shadow Legends with some goodies you can use our redeem code below for some great rewards:
Remember to use our redeem code GAMELEAP for free rewards:
- 1x Energy Potion
- 100k Silver
- 10x XP Brews!
The GAMELEAP code works and unlocks the bonuses for new, as well as existing players in Raid Shadow Legends.
And if you are a new player and are thinking of starting RAID: Shadow Legends, Sign Up Here to receive the following rewards: An Epic Champion, and many more goodies to help you start with the game.