Welcome to our comprehensive guide for unlocking every archetype in Remnant 2. The game offers 11 unique classes you can mix and match, in order to find the perfect playstyle. While some of these classes can be very easy to unlock, others such as the Archon, require extensive preparation and luck. Here is how you can unlock every archetype in Remnant 2:

The Challenger specializes in close range combat and heightened survivability.
How to unlock: Can be crafted from the Steel Enswell Engram by buying the Old Metal Tool from Reggie in Ward 13.

The Handler specialises in teamwork in both solo and cooperative scenarios.
How to unlock: Can be crafted from the Silent Whistle Engram by buying the Old Whistle from Mudtooth in Ward 13.

The Medic specializes in survivability with enhanced healing and Relic effectiveness.
How to unlock: Can be crafted from the Caduceus Idol Engram by buying the Medic Pin from Dr Norah in Ward 13.

The Hunter specialises in ranged damage. precision shots, and marking enemies.
How to unlock: Can be crafted from the Sniper War Medal Engram by buying the Rusty Medal from Brabus in Ward 13.

The Gunslinger Specializes in raw damage firearm, and ammo conservation.
How to unlock: In order to unlock the Gunslinger, you need to find the Iron Cylinder item. You can find the Iron Cylinder by exhausing all of Mudtooth's stories through dialogue. This will only work after you have beaten the third world in your campaign and have spoken to the Keeper.

The Alchemist specialises in powerful buffing Vials and consumable potency.
How to unlock: In order to unlock the Alchemist, you need to find the Philosopher's Stone item. The Philosopher's Stone can be found by defeating the Manticora boss fight in Losomn. Across Losomn's open world you will come across different drains, but some of them have their middle bars bent open.

Go near one of these drains and you will be snatched into the sewers by the Manticora. Defeat the boss and you will get the item.

The Invader specialises in elusiveness and misdirecting the enemy's focus
How to unlock: In order to unlock the Invader, you need to find the Wooden Shiv item. Here are the steps to obtain this item:
- You need to travel to the Asylum in Morrow Parrish. Morrow Parrish is a starting location in Losomn, so you can reroll the world until you get it as your starting location.
- When you reach the Asylum, you will need to complete the Nightweaver Stone Doll Quest. To complete the quest you will need to give three dolls to the Head Doctor in the basement and then open the door using a key. Here are the locations of all of the items needed:
-Stone Carved Doll #1: Can be found in the room next to the office, which has the safe on the first floor of the asylum.
-Stone Carved Doll #2: Can be found outside of the asylum, next to the barn in which you fight the Ripsaw boss fight.
-Stone Carved Doll #3: Can be found in a room on the third floor of the asylum. The key to the third floor is found in the barn for the second doll.
-Prison Cell Key: Can be found on the balcony on the third floor of the asylum.

- After completing this quest you will find the Nightweaver Stone Doll inside of the Head Doctor's prison.
- At this point you need to continue the Nightweaver storyline until you reach the point where you can enter the web in the basement in the asylum, just before fighting final boss. In this realm you can find the Nightweaver's web right next to the portal to the realm. Interact with the web and feed it the Nightweaver Stone Doll. You will receive the Dreamcatcher Melee weapon. You can use this weapon to enter the dreams of sleeping enemies.

- With the Dreamcatcher in hand, you can now continue until you reach the Root Earth zone from the campaign.
- Near the small checkpoint at the Corrupted Harbor, there is a big open area in which you can find the Escalation Protocol amulet. This amulet is sitting on top of a sleeping enemy.

- Using the Dreamcatcher's effect on the sleeping enemy will give you the Walker's Dream item. Using this item will start a boss fight with Bane. Defeating this boss will award you with the Wooden Shiv item. You can use this item to create the Invader archetype at Wallace in Ward 13.

The Engineer specializes in Heavy Weaponry which can be carried or placed in turret mode.
How to unlock: In order to unlock the Engineer, you need to find the Alien Device item. This item can be found in the following way:
- You need to travel to either The Eon Vault or Timeless Horizon zones in N'Erud.
- Scour the edges of the map until you find a small rock formation, which will have an opening you can enter. The rock formation and opening look like this:

- Inside this opening, you will find the Alien Device. Keep in mind that you either need to roll really fast through the contaminated area or you need to use any items that provide Curse resistance. You can then give the Alien Device to Wallace in Ward 13, in order to craft the Engineer archetype.

The Summoner specializes in using Minions to do their bidding and sacrificing them.
How to unlock: In order to unlock the Summoner class, you need to buy the Faded Grimoire from the Bloodmoon Altar in Yaesha. Here are the steps to obtain this item:
- First you need to find a Bloodmoon Altar. These altars can be found in any of the wooded areas in Yaesha. Typically you will find one on the other side of the stone door next to Meidra.

- In order to purchase the Faded Grimoire, you will need to collect 15 Bloodmoon Essences. These essences can be found by killing Root Wisps within Yaesha.
- These Root Wisps can only spawn during a Blood Moon event. You will know that the event is active, whenever you can see a big red moon in the sky. The Blood Moon events are random and can be forced by restarting the campaign/adventure mode.

- After killing 15 Root Wisps, you can go back to the Bloodmoon Altar and purchase the Faded Grimoire. Give this item to Wallace in Ward 13, in order to unlock the Summoner archetype.

The Explorer specializes in finding valuable items and overall team utility
How to unlock: In order to unlock the Explorer class, you need to find the Golden Compass item. You get this item by defeating the final boss of the campaign - Annihilation.

The Archon is the master of Weapon Mods and Mod Power generation
How to unlock: In order to unlock the Archon class you need to find the Strange Box item. In order to obtain this item you will need to wear a very specific set of items to open a door to the Backrooms zone. Here are all of the items you need, as well as how to enter the zone:
Loadout and Classes:
- Class: You need to be a level 10 Explorer main archetype and a level 5 Invader archetype. You can follow the steps above in order to unlock these classes. Select the Fortune Hunter and Worm Hole skills for your loadout.
- Amulet: Leto's Amulet - In order to obtain this amulet, you need to unlock it by 'fat rolling' 100 times. You can do this by becoming overencumbered by items and rolling 100 times in town. Buy the amulet from Reggie in Ward 13 when you have finished rolling.
- Ring #1: Black Cat Band - You can buy this item from Reggie in Ward 13. In order for it to appear in his shop, you need to die 15 times.
- Ring #2: Amber Moonstone - You can buy this item from Cass in Ward 13. Keep in mind that her shop keeps rotating, so buy it when you see it.
- Ring #3: Zania's Malice - Can be found in the Ashen Wasteland in Root Earth. There is a small hole you can enter after the first checkpoint, above the descending ramp. Go through the hole in the corner and you will find the ring.

- Ring #4: Anastasija's Inspiration - Can be bought from Whispers in Ward 13.
- Armor: Full Realmwalker Set - Can be bought from Whispers in Ward 13 after completing the story campaign once.
- Primary Weapon: Ford's Scattergun - This weapon can be found in a secret chamber in the Red Throne in Yaesha. The secret chamber can be found on the left building (Library) before entering the Red Throne. For the door in the ground to open you need to obtain and equip the Seal of the Empress ring. This ring will be given to you by the Empress after defeating the Corruptor boss and kneeling before her in her throne room.
- Secondary Weapon: Cube Gun - This weapon can be crafted by Ava McCabe in Ward 13 from the loot you obtain by defeating the Labyrinth Sentinel boss fight. You can't miss this fight while playing through the campaign.
- Melee Weapon: Labyrinth Staff - This weapon can be found after defeating the Bastion boss fight in the Labyrinth. You can find this fight by going through the only shifting portal found in the zone.
- Relic: Void Heart - This relic can be found in Alepsis-Taura, a zone that can be found by completing the N'Erud campaign in a certain way. You have to talk to the Seeker after defeating the Sha'Hala: Spectral Guardian of N'Erud boss. This will be the end boss of your campaign if your starting zone is Seeker's Rest. Make sure to not use the Override Pin or you will not be able to enter N'Erud anymore after defeating the boss. After speaking to the Seeker, you need to wait 24 real-time hours, after which he will let you leave to Alepsis-Taura.

This is the full loadout you will need in order to enter the locked room. Here is the location of the room: