With Version 1.2 going strong in Reverse: 1999 and just entering its second phase of the version, we have also received a new limited 6-star character, to add to the Plant characters. That is Changeling (also known as Jessica), here is all you need to know about her!
List of Contents:
Who is Changeling (Jessica)

Changeling (Jessica) is the newest 6-star Plant character in Reverse: 1999. She is a DPS character that incorporates the [Poison] mechanic a lot in her kit. She is also one of the main protagonists of the Version 1.2 story and is the best character to play alongside Sotheby if you happened to get her. Here is how you build Changeling (Jessica)
Changeling (Jessica) Skills and Insight
Changeling focuses on poisoning enemies and dealing a lot of damage that way. Her insights further increase her damage against [Poisoned] enemies making her a true nightmare to fight against. Here is the full breakdown of her skills!

Jessica Skills

- Mass attack. Deals 350% Reality DMG and inflicts [Poison] on all enemies for 2 rounds: when a round ends, takes (Jessica's ATK x30%) Genesis DMG.

- 1-target attack. Deals 180%/270%/450% Reality DMG. If the target suffers [Poison], deals 40%/60%/100% Reality DMG. For each additional stack of [Poison] afterwards, deals 20%/30%/50% more Reality DMG, up to a max of Reality DMG +40%/60%/100%.

- Mass attack. Deals 135%/200%/335% Reality DMG to 2 enemies. If the target is inflicted with [Stats Down], [Neg Status] or [Control] statuses, this attack deals 30%/45%/75% more Reality DMG.

Jessica Insights
Insight 1
- When attacking an enemy afflicted with [Poison], the damage dealt increases by 20%. At the start of the battle and once every 3 rounds (rounds 1, 3, 6, 9… after the battle begins), inflicts [Poison] on all enemies for 2 rounds, inflicting Genesis DMG equal to 30% of the caster's ATK at the end of each round.
Insight 2
- DMG Dealt +8% when the caster enters battle.
Insight 3
- After attacking enemies not afflicted with [Poison], inflicts [Poison] for 2 rounds, inflicting Genesis DMG equal to 30% of Jessica's ATK at the end of each round.
Changeling (Jessica) Best Resonance
There are several ways to build Changeling (Jessica)’s Resonance, however, the way we think is best is by going for full ATK to maximize her damage. Here is how to do just that.
Resonance 5:
Resonance 10:
Changeling (Jessica) Best Psychubes
Changeling (Jessica) has some good Psychubes that she can use so you do not need to worry about what to put on here. Here are Changeling’s best two Psychubes that you can use:

Jessica Psychubes

Blasphemer of Night
- When the carrier attacks, if the target has 2 or more [Neg Status], DMG Dealt +12%.
Second Best

- For each enemy target defeated by the carrier, Ultimate Might +4% for the carrier. Stacks up to 4 times.
Changeling, or Jessica, is currently one of the best, if not the best DPS character in the game. Her reliance on [Poison] allows her to dish out a lot of instant damage, while also applying a terrifying DoT to her enemies. If you have Sotheby to pair with her, and Tooth Fairy to boost her Crit Rate, she becomes unstoppable. With the way the game is developing you won’t go wrong by pulling for this unit, and even without Sotheby, Changeling is still a great DPS to have in your roster!