If you're eager to kindle a romance with the rugged space cowboy, Sam Coe, in Starfield, you've come to the right place. Sam is not only a skilled pilot and marksman but also a valuable addition to your crew. Marrying Sam Coe brings along the Emotional Security buff, providing a +15% XP boost for faster leveling. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to romance Sam Coe, including completing his companion quest, "Matters of the Hart," and tying the knot.
Romancing Sam Coe in Starfield
Follow these steps to successfully romance Sam Coe in Starfield:
Unlock Sam as a Companion: To initiate a romance with Sam Coe, you must first complete the early main quest, "The Empty Nest," which unlocks him as a companion. During this quest, you'll journey to Akila City alongside Sam in search of an Artifact.
Raise Sam's Affinity: After Sam becomes your companion, travel together, complete quests, and explore the galaxy to raise his affinity. While you can't directly see the affinity score, watch for messages in the top-right corner of the screen indicating "Sam Coe liked that" or "Sam Coe approved of that." These messages signify affinity increases.
Act Respectfully: To boost Sam's affinity, prioritize doing good deeds and avoid demanding payment when not offered. Be respectful and kind to Cora Coe, Sam's daughter, as she'll eventually become your stepdaughter. Show support for the Freestar Collective and their independence from the UC whenever possible.
Avoid Affinity Decreases: Steer clear of actions that lead to affinity decreases, such as "Sam Coe disliked that" or "Sam Coe hated that." Avoid attacking innocent civilians to maintain a positive relationship with Sam.
Engage in Conversations: Keep an eye on your activity log for objectives like "Talk to Sam Coe." Initiate these conversations to learn more about Sam's background and increase his affinity. Look for [FLIRT] dialogue options during these chats to boost his affinity further.

"Matters of the Hart" Companion Quest
Once your affinity with Sam Coe reaches a certain level, the "Matters of the Hart" companion quest will become available. Follow this quest to deepen your relationship:
Investigate Lilian's Safety: After discussing Lilian's safety with Sam and Cora, head to Neon. Speak with Jaylen at the Freestar Rangers to gather information about Lilian's situation. Investigate Lilian's desk to find more details, directing you to a locked apartment in Neon.
Locate Victor Compound: Discover that Lilian is undercover with the Syndicate at Victor Compound. Travel to McClure II in the McClure system to get closer to Victor Compound. Sam will contact Lilian over the radio, and she'll request an extraction.
Infiltrate Victor Compound: Infiltrate Victor Compound, clearing it of Syndicate Gangsters along the way. After finding and rescuing Lilian, return to your ship to chat with her and Sam.
Reveal Lilian's Mission: Lilian's mission is to take down a Syndicate boss named Valerie Mosquera. To track Valerie, obtain the shipment records from the ship called the Dumas, located at Rasalhague II.
Retrieve Records: Hail the Dumas at Rasalhague II, and when it becomes hostile, destroy the ship and loot the "Message to Dumas" Datapad. This reveals the location of Valerie's weapon cache on Andromas III.
Visit Andromas III: Travel to Andromas III and approach Valerie's cache landing site. Two Syndicate ships will land; eliminate the Syndicate Gangsters and talk to Lilian and Sam.
Resolve the Conflict: After a heated argument, Lilian will leave, and Sam will ask you to meet him on a balcony near Solomon Coe's statue in Akila City.

Marrying Sam Coe in Starfield
Once you've completed "Matters of the Hart," you're ready to take your relationship to the next level. Follow these steps to marry Sam Coe:
Talk to Sam Coe: Travel a bit longer until the "Talk to Sam Coe" objective reappears in your activity log.
Seek Cora's Approval: Sam will mention that he needs Cora's approval for your relationship to progress. Speak with Cora, and she'll express her happiness with you marrying Sam.
Propose: Return to Sam and select the [COMMITMENT] dialogue option to propose. Sam will reciprocate and ask you to meet him at the Coe Estate in Akila City.
Complete the "Commitment: Sam Coe" Quest: Follow the quest objective to reach the Coe Estate. You'll meet Jacob Coe and then hurry around the city to gather Lilian Hart and Cora Coe, who are also attending the ceremony.
Attend the Wedding: Speak with Sam Coe to initiate the wedding ceremony and officially marry Sam.
With these steps, you'll successfully romance and marry Sam Coe in the vast universe of Starfield. Enjoy your journey together among the stars!
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