Star Wars Outlaws finally has a release date and fans of the franchise cannot be more excited about the upcoming action-adventure. We will be taking control of Kay Vess, a scoundrel about to attempt the biggest heist the Outer Rim has ever seen. As the first open-world game in the Star Wars universe, it is natural that we are all curious about which planets we will be able to visit.

You will be able to hop on your ship, the Trailblazer, and jump to your next destination. We are going to be taking a look at what those destinations will be. So far we know of five confirmed planets. There may be more, either in the base game or added later as a part of the DLCs.
All Confirmed Planets on Star Wars Outlaws
We know that Star Wars Outlaws will be taking place in the Outer Rim and between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. That does eliminate some of the more famous planets from the Star Wars universe. It would have been impossible for Massive Entertainment to add Alderaan because the Empire has already blown it to pieces.

Also considering Star Wars Outlaws is set in the Outer Rim, planets like Coruscant or Corellia might not fit in with the story. Instead, Massive Entertainment has chosen these five planets to be the main focus of Outlaws:
- Tatooine
- Kijimi
- Cantonica
- Akiva
- Toshara
A couple of the names might ring familiar if you know your Star Wars trivia and some will be new to you. Let’s have a look at them in some detail.
Everyone who has ever heard of Star Wars will know of Tatooine. The whole world is full of sand. We all hate sand. "It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."
Accurate with the timeline, Jabba the Hutt will be a main figure on Tatooine. As part of the season pass, you can gain access to an immediate DLC called Jabba’s Gambit. As the crime syndicate will play such a big part in Star Wars Outlaws, it was foolish for us to think that Jabba would not come into the story at some point.

Tatooine is covered in endless deserts full of fearsome creatures like the Krayt Dragons, Tusken Raiders, and the scavenging Jawas. Only time will tell if any of these famous obstacles will play a role in Star Wars Outlaws but I think it is fair to expect we will be heading to the Jawas in search of one ship part or another.
Kijimi first came to the screen in Rise of the Skywalker but appeared in the Force Collector novel by Kevin Shinick. You might remember it as the home of Zorii Bliss and Babu Frik. It is unlikely that we will meet these characters in Star Wars Outlaws as they haven’t been born yet.

Kijimi is mountainous, cold, and covered in a thin dust of snow. After the fall of the Empire, it became overrun with thieves and unsavory types so it seems obvious that the crime syndicates would have a heavy presence even under Imperial control.
Home to the corporate entities that rule over the Outer Rim, Cantonica is a magnet to many smugglers and crime bosses. We saw Canto Bight in Star Wars: The Last Jedi when Finn and Rose traveled to the casino city in search of the Master Codebreaker. The vast deserts of Cantonica have many hiding places for the criminals of the galaxy to lay low.

For what reason Kay Vess will be journeying to Cantonica in Star Wars Outlaws is a mystery so far. Considering her aim is to pull off a heist against one of the biggest crime syndicates in the Outer Rim, Cantonica may be where it takes place.
Akiva is a jungle world that appeared for the first time in the Star Wars Aftermath novels. The CIS once built a large droid factory beneath the planet's surface during the Clone Wars. We may be seeing some remnants of the separatist bases on the planet but that is only speculation.

At the time of Star Wars Outlaws, Akiva is under the rule of the Empire. While the Satrapy of Myrra is the face of the government, the people know who is pulling the strings. With the other planets mostly having desert or barren terrain, the lush green world of Akiva might be a welcome change.
Toshara is technically a moon, not a planet, and is appearing for the first time in Star Wars Outlaws. This arid world seems to act as a main point of focus for Outlaws. Considering Massive Entertainment took the time to design this moon, it might mean that most of the storyline will take place on Toshara.

We know from the game trailers that Toshara is under Imperial control but at this point in the timeline, there weren’t many planets that didn’t have a strong Imperial presence. This barren world could be full of hideouts for not just the Pikes but for all kinds of criminal organizations. The center of the focus does seem to be on the settlement of Jaunta’s Hope where some gamers think you will be able to pick up upgrades for your weapons and new missions.
That’s everything we know about the confirmed planets in Star Wars Outlaws. There may be more on the way but for now, these are the worlds we know we will be visiting. Check out all available editions and see if you want to pre-order the game for the special bonuses.