The Star Wars Universe just keeps on giving when it comes to storylines and content. While it seems some fans of the franchise have had enough of the Skywalker bloodline, they are as eager as ever to see what else there is waiting for them.
In the Star Wars Jedi franchise, we got to see what the galaxy looks like from the perspective of a Jedi hiding from the Empire when it was at its height of power. Now, in Outlaws we will be taking a step back from Force Users and leaving behind Jedi and the Sith.

It’s time to put down the lightsaber and pick up the blaster as you enter the Star Wars Universe as a simple scoundrel looking to make enough credits to get out of thievery.
Star Wars Outlaws: The Main Character and Storyline
We will be taking control of Kay Vess, a human who is stuck in the Galactic Underworld and looking for a way out. With only Nix as your companion, you are setting off to find a dependable crew for one of the biggest heists the Outer Rim has ever seen.
Taking place between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, it does seem likely that we might bump into the Rebellion as we run from the Empire. In Star Wars Outlaws you will have to deal with different syndicates within the underworld like the Hutts, the Pikes, and Crimson Dawn.

We don’t know whether you will help them out with random jobs or if choices throughout the main missions will affect how they interact with you. The game will have a reputation system in place so it's unlikely we are going to want to anger any one faction too much.
As a scoundrel you live and die by your reputation, meaning that Kay will have to navigate the underworld and its various crime syndicates, making choices that will impact her reputation, her experience, and her support throughout the game.
-Creative director Julian Gerighty
You will be able to pilot your own ship, the Trailblazer, as you jump from one planet to the next in your search for everything you need for the big heist. The trailers have introduced ND-5, an old separatist commando droid helping you navigate the Galactic Underworld and already giving off K-2SO vibes.

In the latest trailer, we saw that the big heist means stealing something of great value from Sliro, the head of the Zerek Besh. The Zerek Besh is a new crime syndicate, created for Star Wars Outlaws. They have the credits and the manpower to make a name for themselves and pile up quite a treasure trove.

We will have to see exactly how Kay Vess gets involved in the heist and what she will have to do to survive the ordeal. It does look like the story starts when she has nothing and is going to need help. We will have to wait before we know if we will see any famous faces appear in the story.
Star Wars Outlaws: Gameplay
The little gameplay we have seen depicts an interesting mix of stealth and blaster fights. Kay Vess herself seems to have some abilities and different ammo types to play around with. You can also tell Nix, your animal companion, to attack or distract enemies and manipulate objects around you. So far we have only seen Kay Vess equipped with a blaster pistol but you will be able to pick up other weapons from the ground should you need more firepower in a fight.
Outlaws is the first open-world Star Wars game but we don’t know the size of the maps yet. We can expect multiple settlements and areas to explore on each planet. We can expect most towns to have a ruling faction and if you fall on their bad side, you will need to make a quick exit.

You will be using a speeder to move around long distances and escape the enemy. You can also shoot while driving, creating some impressive chase scenes.
You can expect to take part in space battles as Tie Fighters track you down if the Empire is chasing you. Many fans believe the Empire will not be the only enemy you have to deal with in the Trailblazer so Dogfights might be a common occurrence in Star Wars Outlaws.

That’s everything we know about the storyline and the gameplay of Star Wars Outlaws at this time. We hope to learn more as we get closer to the release date. There is still so much we don't know but what we do know is making most fans excited for the release.