Starfield is undoubtedly Bethesda's largest game yet. It offers an expansive open galaxy to traverse, numerous NPCs to engage with, and countless tasks to accomplish, providing you with entertainment for potentially hundreds of hours.
Even though the main storyline itself takes about 40-50 hours to complete, that doesn't include all the additional content scattered throughout the game. As you work through the multitude of activities, how far can you actually progress in Starfield's leveling system?
What is the highest level achievable in the game? Is there a point where your progress stops? Let's get a clear explanation.

Is there a maximum level in Starfield?
No, Starfield doesn't have a maximum level. This means you can continuously raise your character's level and unlock new abilities indefinitely. While there's an achievement for reaching level 100, your progress doesn't halt there. It goes far beyond that.
What's the highest level you can attain in Starfield? Since there's no definitive level cap in Starfield, players can essentially keep leveling up until they've unlocked every single skill. With more than 300 skills available, this should keep you occupied for a considerable amount of time.
At the moment, we don't have a definite answer about the potential maximum level in Starfield. Similar to Bethesda's previous games, players can keep progressing without any limitations.
However, considering that data miners discovered an unreachable level cap of 65,535 in Fallout 4, it's possible that a similar unattainable goal might exist in Starfield. We'll have to wait and see if any dedicated players manage to reach such a milestone over the next few years or even decades.
Check out some of our other Starfield guides below:
Vasco Location In Starfield - How To Get Your First Spaceship In Starfield - Starfield: 5 Skills Every New Player Should Get - How To Bind Your Weapons In Starfield - Starfield Lockpicking Guide - How Many Main Quest Missions Are There?