TFT Patch 13.21 Buffs, Nerfs, Adjustments
Champion Changes
2-Cost Champions
Twisted Fate - Massive Nerf
- Stacked Deck AoE Delayed Damage: 185/275/435% AP ⇒ 155/235/380% AP
3-Cost Champions
Our AD ratio buff for Darius failed to cement him as a viable reroll carry. We’re adjusting his damage dropoff on resets to bring dunking back in style like it’s 1996 (the release of the original Space Jam film).
Miss Fortune is another reroll carry that has just missed the spot (despite marking it). We planned on buffing her already, but with our nerf to her core item (Blue Buff), we’re giving her an even buffer buff.
Even after our Nautilus buff in 13.20 to his bonus Armor and MR, players still aren’t giving him their Chain Vests and Negatron Cloaks. Instead of letting him sink to the bottom of the Guardian’s Sea, we’re increasing both his base defensive stats and his passive amplification. So go ahead and give him that tank item—he really wants it, and I’m getting a bit worried about him.
Sona and Vel’Koz are receiving smaller nerfs to account for the power they received with our Multicaster rework last patch. For more context on their nerfs, you can scroll up to the above section (TIER 2).
- Recast effectiveness increased from 82/85/90% to 90/95/100%
Miss Fortune
- Mana reduced from 10/60 to 0/50
- Spell damage increased from 225/340/550% to 240/360/580%
- Armor and Magic Resistance increased from 35 to 40
- Passive Armor and Magic Resistance bonus increased from 35% to 40%
- Crescendo damage: 180/270/440% AP ⇒ 170/255/420% AP
- Mana nerf: 0/65 >>> 15/85
- Plasma Fission damage: 245/365/600% AP ⇒ 220/330/550% AP
4-Cost Champions
Ensuring all 4-costs have viable carry lines to make each playstyle competitive as we approach the set championship.
Like Miss Fortune above, Silco is getting a slightly larger buff to offset the nerf of his go-to Blue Buff. Reducing his max Mana by 5 also makes Spear of Shojin closer in power to Blue Buff for him in situations where you can only manage 1 Tear.
- HP increased from 850 to 950
- Spell Damage increased from 75/111/240% to 80/120/240%
- Armor and Magic Resistance increased from 50 to 55
- Maximum mana reduced from 0/50 to 0/45
- Spell Damage increased from 75/115/425% to 85/125/425%
- Fury of the North Passive on attack True Damage Health ratio: 1.5/1.5/10% HP ⇒ 1/1/10% HP
5-Cost Champions
Econ, fast 8/9 strategies are just slightly weaker than where we’d like them to be, and that weakness mostly lies in a few of our 4 and 5-costs being a tad weak.
Ahri Damage
- Essence Theft damage increased from 90/135/1000% to 105/150/1000%
- Essence Theft is Ahri's non-third cast wave ability
- Armor and Magic Resistance increased from 50 to 60
- Spell AD% increased from 70% to 85%
Ryze (Bilgewater)
- Maximum mana decreased from 30/100 to 30/90
Ryze (Piltover)
- Maximum mana decreased from 30/100 to 30/90
Twisted Fate
- Area of Effect delayed damage reduced from 185/275/435% to 155/235/380%
- Spell damage reduced from 180/270/440% to 170/255/420%
- Spell damage reduced from 245/365/600% to 220/330/550%
- Passive true damage reduced from 1.5/1.5/10% to 1/1/10%
- Maximum Mana increased from 0/65 to 15/85
Trait Changes
- Attack Speed increased from 30/60/95/140% to 30/65/105/150%
- Ionia Enlightenment Bonus increased from 100/200/380% to 100/200/425%
Ionia 9 often leads to weaker Ionians receiving the enlightenment bonus which can be a bummer for your itemized Xayah or Ahri. By significantly raising the enlightenment bonus we can ensure that even your lowly 1-costs can become a threat when enlightened—that’s just the power of education!
Multicaster Nerf
Reduced damage nerfed from 55/30/25% to 55/35/35%
Item Changes
Craftable Items
Spear of Shojin
- Attack Damage increased from 15% to 25%
Blue Buff
- Additional starting mana decreased 40 to 20
- Ability Power upon shield break reduced from 40 to 35%
Protector's Vow
- Additional starting mana decreased from 45 to 30
Gargoyle Stoneplate
- Base Armor and Magic Resist increased from 25 to 30
- Armor and Magic Resist per target decreased from 15 to 10
We’re taking a light pass on Mana items since they disproportionately lead to faster combat states. Blue Buff and Protector’s Vow are meant to stand out and provide an early cast, but we're making that early cast later by lowering the starting Mana to 30 (Blue Buff is 30 since you get 10 reduction). As a final note, Blue Buff and Protector's Vow have been too strong for a while now, which means champions who use them well benefit far more than champions who have strong synergies with other items. Our rebalance here is part of a minor champion rebalancing for champions dependent on these items.
Blue Buff and Spear of Shojin are actually too far apart in power for most champions once you do the math. We’re bringing them closer together with our Blue Buff nerf, but also giving Spear of Shojin a bit more SPEAR for AD casters.
Radiant Items
Spear of Hirana (Spear of Shojin)
- Attack Damage increased from 30% to 45%
Bulwark's Oath (Protector's Vow)
- Additional starting mana decreased 60 to 30
- Armor increased from 20 to 40
Blue Blessing (Blue Buff)
- Additional starting mana decreased 40 to 20
Rapid Lightcannon (Rapid Firecannon) Nerf
Attack Speed reduced from 70% to 50%
Dvarapala StonePlate
- Base Armor and Magic Resist increased from 25 to 30
- Armor and Magic Resist per target decreased from 25 to 20
Augment changes in TFT patch 13.21
Cybernetic Leech III
- Health 225 ⇒ 250
Endless Hordes
- Gold 12 ⇒ 14
Golden Ticket
- Chance for a free refresh 50% ⇒ 45%
Parting Gifts
- Max Health shield 40% ⇒ 50%
- AP 35 ⇒ 38
Stellacorn's Blessing
- Attack speed 35% ⇒ 40%
Stellacorn’s Blessing has felt far from blessed for a while now, but we’re going lighter on the buff to ensure Targon/Gunner comps don’t have a Mount Targon-sized power ceiling.
Wandering Trainer
- Gold 4 ⇒ 6
Binary Airdrop
- No longer offered on Stage 2-1
Built Different II
- Bonus HP increased from 225-475 to 250-500
- No longer offered on Stage 3-2
Built Different III
- Bonus HP increased from 300-550 to 300-600
- No longer offered on Stage 3-2
We’re taking away the awkward Built Different offerings on 3-2 when you likely already have a few traits active while also giving the Augment a bit more Health to feel truly built up.
Stationary Support I
- Now delays all rewards (Training Dummy and Support Item) until after 8 player combats
Golden Ticket
- Chance to proc free shop reduced from 50% to 45%
Petricite Shackles
- Champions given reduced from 3 to 2
Rising Infamy
- Champions given reduced from 3 to 2
Unburdened I and Unburdened II have been disabled
The best parts of TFT are synergizing items/champions/traits and making a few champions the star of the show. Unburdened is the antithesis to that statement, and we’ve seen both player data and vocal feedback validating that. Instead of buffing or reworking an Augment that players just aren't excited about, we’re pulling it entirely and saving you the Augment reroll.
Bug Fixes
- It’s so coarse: Battle of the Sands can no longer be offered alongside Shifting Sands or Fleshing Arena.
- Units spawned in overtime now receive overtime buffs.
- Valar’s Hollow now has its proper tooltip back.
- If Aatrox has a Demacian Radiant item, he now properly keeps it when he respawns.
- Aatrox can no longer pass the Darkin Blade to an ally marked for revival by Shadow Isles Ryze.
- Fiora now always jumps to the nearest target when her spell kills someone.
- Fiora’s target is no longer prevented from attacking during the spell.
- Fixed a bug where Joke (Ctrl+1) and Taunt (Ctrl+2) animations stop working after player spams the emote during a Hyper Roll match
- Umbra (All Tiers All Variants) Health Bar no longer blocks the Joke (Ctrl + 1) animation
- Fixed a bug where the Reckoner Arena Flames wouldn't shoot out sometimes despite hearing the SFX when a player would tap on this interaction of the Reckoner Arena
- I can’t see without my glasses: Cloud Catcher Hushtail tier 1 now has their glasses back on the model to match their splash
- PROJECT: Abyssia no longer has a brief delay for their taunt animation (ctrl+2)
- The Darkin Blade (Chibi Aatrox Boom) Health loss no longer triggers before The Darkin Blade boom hits the opponent
Preparing for the World Championship
The tournament will be using this patch as the Multicaster Strategy was nerfed into the ground. Hopefully Riot Games is able to further hone their balancing and nerfing direction as it is often the case of strong builds becoming inviable instead of fairly adjusted for every player to enjoy. The Teamfight Tactics World Championship will certainly be exciting with these new changes.
The Lead Designer at Riot Games @Mortdog followed up with this tweet regarding the upcoming patch.