Riot Games will soon launch a hugely anticipated feature to Teamfight Tactics called the 'Rotating Shop'. This brand-new store will offer players even more cosmetic options to use when playing TFT as well as some very rare and difficult-to-obtain Tacticians, Arenas, and Booms.
The Rotating Shop is set to be released in Patch 14.11 (Thursday, May 30, 2024) with the game's current Inkborn Fables set. We will take a look at everything you need to know about this store as well as some additional details so you can maximize your loot and get your hands on some sweet cosmetics!
Table of Contents

Teamfight Tactics Rotating Shop

The Rotating Shop will feature two different sections which players can go through and unlock special cosmetics that will rotate on a set schedule. This will significantly enhance the player's cosmetic experience as now you will have more control over what rare cosmetics you would like to get as well as give more opportunities to show off your swagger in-game.
The Rotating Shop will have a Mythic and Seasonal section which will have separate currencies and different kinds of cosmetics.

Mythic Section
This section of the shop will contain a small selection of TFT's rarest and top-tier Tacticians, Arenas, and Booms. This section will use Mythic Medallions as its currency.
The following cosmetics will be available on release:
- A Brand-New Mythic Chibi, Arena, and Boom
- Chibi Prestige Dragonmancer Yasuo
- Chibi Divine Sword Irelia
- Spirit Blossom Yone Boom
- Prestige Dragon Fist Lee Sin Boom
NOTE: Rioters have ensured players that these goodies will be available for a couple of patches so you should be able to grab them all if you would like to dedicate the time.

Seasonal Section
This section will feature a much larger collection of both brand-new and classic cosmetics. This section will use Realm Crystals as its currency.
Here are just some of the many options that will be available upon release:
- Poro Yeet Boom
- Dr. Shisa
- Arcade Gloop
- Plant Buddy Sprite
- Spirit Blossom Kanmei Lightcharger
- Goodest Duckbill
- Dark Star Poptail
- Nimbus Cloud, Hydroblast Booms
- Base Yone
NOTE: This section of the shop will rotate out more quickly that the Mythic Section offerings.
Both of these sections will offer players another change to snag a sought-out cosmetic and help those treasure hunters complete their collections.
Teamfight Tactics Treasure Realms Update

The devs will be changing things up as you will now be able to earn Realm Crystals and Mythic Medallions as potential drops from the Treasure Realm. The ladder currency will drop a lot less frequently, as Rioters state that it should drop at least once every 50 Treasure Realm Pulls, but you can also earn Mythic Medallions from milestone rewards.
You will also no longer receive duplicate copies of Little Legends, so you can get more Realm Crystals. The price of each Treasure Realm will also be reduced to 50 Treasure Tokens per pull. The new Rotating Shop will allow players to have more control over what cosmetics they would like to get instead of relying on blind luck to get their desired goodies.

Riot Games is also adding a new Milestone Rewards track that will award players with Realm Crystals and Mythic Medallions at specific breakpoints. This will help you progress towards Mythic content in the shop, and best of all, the progress will be shared across bounties, meaning you will get progress by opening any bounty.
Another thing to note is that after the 14.11 Patch release, every player will have their guaranteed drop counter reset, but they will be granted Realm Crystals and Mythic Medallions based on how far they are from a guaranteed drop. For more information, you can refer to the official article, here.
Teamfight Tactics Rotating Shop FAQ

Here are some of the questions players might ask regarding the upcoming Rotating Shop feature in Teamfight Tactics.
Will these currencies ever expire?
- The currencies will not expire, so you can save them up if you are hunting a very rare cosmetic.
How often will Mythic shops rotate?
- Although these is no fixed schedule, some of the content will rotate in and out every patch, but most of the cosmetics will stay for a few patches.
How often will Seasonal shops rotate?
- As of now, every patch, but there is a chance that a small segment of items will remain longer.
So Mythic Medallions are the new Pity counter?
- Yes, this will give players more options to pursue their cosmetic of choice, rather than waste time every reset.
Why reduce the hit chance of Mythic content in Treasure Realms?
- These two new currencies will allow players to have more agency over what content they want to get, as well as reduce frustration from getting an unwanted cosmetic.
Why include the Realm Crystals as potential drops in Treasure Realms?
- After feedback from players, Rioters agreed that getting copies of Little Legends is not a fun experience, especially when you are trying to get a Mythic Chibi.
And that is everything you need to know about the upcoming Rotating Shop feature coming to Teamfight Tactics in Patch 14.11. Wishing you the best of luck with your runs and remember to have fun defeating your opponents whilst using your amazing cosmetics!