The Ukrainian Esports Federation (UESF) has taken a firm stance against players with ties to Russian nationals following the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Reports indicate that former TI champions, Illya "Yatoro" Mulyarchuk and Myroslav "Mira" Kolpakov, are among those banned from the federation.
The conflict has had far-reaching consequences for esports players, impacting not only their personal lives but also their professional careers. In response to the ongoing war, the UESF has issued bans against players who have competed alongside Russian teammates after the hostilities began.
Yatoro and Mira, who continue to play for Team Spirit alongside Russian players, found themselves on the list of banned individuals. In the wake of the crisis, Team Spirit made a strategic decision to relocate its operations to Serbia, abandoning its previous plans for expansion in Moscow.

The imposed bans carry severe restrictions, preventing the affected players from obtaining travel permits during martial law to participate in international tournaments. Furthermore, they are prohibited from representing Ukraine in esports competitions under the UESF's auspices.
Among the players facing such repercussions are CS:GO players Igor "w0nderful" Zhdanov and Myroslav "zont1x" Plakhotja. Uncertainties surround the status of Aleksandr "s1mple" Kostyliev and Valeriy "b1t" Vakhovskiy, with a UESF manager's post suggesting their bans before being swiftly deleted. S1mple, known for his contributions to the Ukrainian Armed Forces and his support for various charitable causes, has been a prominent ambassador for Ukrainian esports.
The situation remains tense and uncertain for players caught in the ban, including Roman "Resolut1on" Fomynok, who has played with BetBoom as a stand-in during major events. As the conflict persists, the fate of these players in the esports community hangs in the balance.