Do you find yourself struggling with the stash limit in MWZ, craving more resources to level up and unlock the latest mods and camos? Look no further - we've got a game-changing glitch that will turn the tide in your favor. Follow our simple guide to become unstoppable.
Bypassing the Stash Limit:

- Swap any item with a reward item.
- Select "swap," head over to rewards, and equip one.
- Unequip the reward item and repeat until all items are in the stash.
- Exercise caution not to exceed 15 items to avoid potential loss of rewards.
- Enjoy a stash capacity of around 30 items instead of the usual 10.
Be wary of pushing the limit too far.
Money Glitch Setup:
- Obtain the Tombstone perk.
- Head to the specified location on the map.

- Align the Red Dot with the crane bunny, hold aim down sights, and the bunny will reward you.

- Alternatively, buy the Tombstone perk and start farming contracts for Essence.

Executing the Money Glitch:
- Down yourself without a self-revive and put at least one item in the second slot of your backpack.

- Ensure a few free slots are available.
- Get down and hold to give up.

- Leave the game - your Tombstone will appear where you died.
- Return in the next match, loot the Tombstone for double the Essence, and destroy it.

- Repeat the glitch to amass wealth.
Leveling Up and Gear Acquisition:
- Once rich, enter the game with desired weapons and operators.
- Loot the Tombstone for Essence.
- Destroy the Tombstone and gather gear from a tier 2 or 3 buy station.
- Pack-a-Punch your weapons for faster XP farming.
- Utilize perks from the Wonder Fizz machine.
- Level up, gear up, and dominate.
Infinite Money Loop:
- Keep repeating the glitch to double your money.
- Use the glitch every game, ensuring the Tombstone location is marked on the map.
- Stay rich and well-equipped for endless success.
A Cautionary Note:
- Close the game when you see "successful X" after exfilling.
- Restart the game to keep weapons, gear, and loot for subsequent matches.
- Never worry about being poor again with a constant influx of cash.
Embrace the power of this unlimited money glitch, level up effortlessly, and build an inventory that makes you unbeatable. Happy gaming!
You can check out our guide on How to Get Every Perk here.