In the upcoming League of Legends Patch 13.18, we can expect several nerfs for Jarvan IV and Tryndamere due to their recent significant power increases. Additionally, the patch will introduce the new champion, Briar.
When Will LoL Patch 13.18 Go Live?
League of Legends Patch 13.18 is anticipated to become available on September 13, 2023, following Riot's patch schedule. Initially, the Oceanic servers will receive the patch, with other servers gradually receiving it during the day.
Here are the key release timings for Patch 13.18 on various servers:
- 3 AM PT (North America)
- 5 AM GMT (Europe West)
- 3 AM CET (Europe Nordic and East)
- 8 AM KST (Korea)
Expect a few hours of downtime during the patch deployment, with matchmaking queues being disabled approximately three hours before the update.

What Changes Can We Expect in LoL Patch 13.18?
Nerfs for Jarvan IV and Tryndamere
Jarvan IV and Tryndamere have become formidable forces on the battlefield due to a series of buffs that significantly boosted their strength. In response, Riot Games will be implementing nerfs to these champions to bring them more in line with the rest of the roster.
Introduction of Briar to the Rift
Patch 13.18 will welcome the newest champion, Briar, to the League of Legends roster. This Noxian Vampire is known for her insatiable hunger for hunting down her prey, armed with potent healing abilities and impressive pursuit skills. While she may appear relatively straightforward, the true extent of her potential will be revealed as players explore her capabilities on the battlefield.
These early notes provide an overview of what to expect in League of Legends Patch 13.18. Players can anticipate further details and specifics as the patch release date approaches. Here are the full patch notes that have been revealed:
- Passive: Traveler’s Call
- Movement speed duration increased: 7 seconds >>> 20 seconds
- Number of stacks increased: 5 >>> 10
- W: Caretaker’s Shrine
- New effect: now stores 2 charges of the ability with an 18 second recharge timer
- Bonus movement speed reduced: 30% at all ranks >>> 20/22.5/25/27.5/30%
- New effect: bonus movement speed now scales with 5% per 100 AP
- Shrine charge timer reduced: 10 seconds >>> 5 seconds
- Released this patch
- R: Vanguard’s Edge
- Cooldown reduced: 140 – 100 seconds >>> 125 – 85 seconds
Gwen (Jungle)
- Base Stats
- Health growth increased: 109 >>> 115
- Passive: Thousand Cuts
- Monster damage cap increased: 6 +10% AP >>> 15 + 20% AP
Jarvan IV
- Passive: Martial Cadence
- Passive damage reduced: 8% current HP >>> 6% current HP
Kayn (Red)
- Passive (Red Kayn): The Darkin Scythe
- Passive healing reduced: 20 – 30% >>> 25% flat
- R (Red Kayn): Umbral Trespass
- AD ratio reduced: 13% per 100 bonus AD >>> 10% per 100 bonus AD
- E: Lightning Rush
- Energy cost reduced: 100 – 80 >>> 80 flat
- R: Slicing Maelstrom
- Cooldown reduced: 120 seconds flat >>> 120 – 80
- E: Full Tilt
- Movement speed reduced: 15% – 25% >>> 12% – 20%
Senna (Crit)
- Base Stats
- Crit damage increased: 160.125 >>> 175% (now normal)
- W: Dark Passage
- Shield per soul increased: 1.5 >>> 2
- Base Stats
- Health growth reduced: 115 >>> 108
- Base AD reduced: 68 >>> 66
- Base Stats
- Base health reduced: 660 >>> 630
- Health growth increased: 102 >>> 106
- E: Bladecaller
- Cooldown increased: 13 – 9 seconds >>> 11 – 9 seconds
- Nerfs coming soon
Crown of the Shattered Queen
- AP increased: 70 >>> 85
- Damage reduction reduced: 75% >>> 50%
- Linger duration increased: 1.5 seconds >>> 2.5 seconds
Spear of Shojin
- AD reduced: 60 >>> 55
Statikk Shiv (Waveclear)
- Minion damage reduced: 250 – 350 >>> 200 flat
- AD increased: 45 >>> 50
- Buffs coming soon