V Rising features a large selection of spells that can alter your playstyle drastically. Each one has unique effects, allowing players to mix and match playstyles or focus on a single one. When first starting out, you’ll have to gather boss points in order to expand your limited pool of spells. If you're not sure which spells to learn initially, these are some of the best ones to utilize early in the game.
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Wraith Spear
Dash backward and launch a piercing projectile that deals 180% magic damage and inflicts Weaken. Each subsequent hit deals 75% magic damage of the previous hit and grants Phantasm.
In V rising 1.0, one of the first unlockable Illusion spells is Wraith Spear and it offers a good balance between offense and defense. The spell can be used as a dodge ability, which also has a ranged counter. Wraith Spear pairs well with any defensive ability as a follow-up to boost survivability.

Shadow Bolt
Launch a projectile that deals 180% magic damage and inflicts Leech.
Shadow Bolt is one of the first spells you can unlock in V Rising and it’s a staple in most Blood builds, because of its Leech. Once you hit an enemy with this spell, your physical attacks against the enemy will heal you for a small amount.
Ball Lightning
Launch a Ball Lightning that lingers in place, periodically shocking nearby enemies and inflicting Static. Explodes after the duration, dealing 50% magic damage.
Ball Lightning is a great AOE spell that combines well with rooting abilities. If you manage to keep an enemy in the spell’s area, they can take up to 450% damage. This spell is a bit harder to obtain early game, but if you manage to, it’ll definitely make the point you spend worth it.

Blood Rage
Heal nearby allies for 40% of your spell power. Increase your attack speed by 25% and movement speed by 15% for 4 seconds. Inflicts Leech on nearby enemies.
Blood Rage is an amazing skill for HP sustain in V Rising. This ability is also great for gathering Wood, Stone, and other resources that drop from breakable objects. The 25% attack speed increase will make a significant impact when it comes to farming resources.
Power Surge
Boost an ally or yourself. Move and attack 25% faster for 4 seconds, and physical attacks inflict Ignite for 4 seconds.
Power Surge is a similar spell to Blood Rage since it also provides an attack and move speed buff. Power Surge is a more offensive ability, as the ignites provide a decent boost in damage. You can equip both spells and switch between them as you gather resources.

Chaos Volley
Launch 2 Chaos Bolts in a sequence that deals 110% magic damage and inflicts Ignite.
In V Rising, Chaos Volley was one of the most used spells in early access. It deals great damage and ignites opponents for additional damage over a few seconds. This spell is a staple, especially if you want to burst down a boss. The only downside of the skill is the lack of AOE, but it makes up for it since ignites make enemies explode.
Corrupted Skull
Launch a projectile that deals 80% magic damage, spawns a skeleton, and inflicts Condemn on-hit. Deals 40% more damage to targets below 30% health. Has two charges.
Corrupted Skull is not the best damaging spell in V Rising, but its greatest benefit is the skeletons it spawns. Minions in V Rising work great as a distraction and allow you to keep your distance, and recover in an emergency. This is definitely one of the best spells for the early game, especially when paired with long-range weapons.
