When you are running around V Rising, you are going to need somewhere to lay your coffin as the sun rises. You will need a great location to build an amazing base that you can defend from raiding enemies. It will need to have nearby resources so you don’t spend all your time lugging heavy loads around. If you are too isolated, you will take hours to get from place to place. However, if you are in the center of the map, you might well put down a welcome mat if you are playing PvP.

We have looked into this issue and have come up with 8 perfect places where you can build a base worthy of a vampiric empire. Of course, you should always choose a location that fits your playstyle but these potential bases will definitely give you the edge.
V Rising: Best Base Locations in the Farbane Woods

The first spot we will mention in the top 8 base locations in V Rising has to be in the west of Farbane Woods. It is perfect in the early games when everything you are going to need is nearby. If you choose to build your castle on this three-tier elevated position, you will have only one way in or out which will make defending against enemy raids so much easier.
You are also extremely close to several resources, including the Bandit Armoury and Bandit Copper Mine. A Waygate is waiting for you just to the south if you need to fast-travel around the map. There is no better place to start your empire; you will only be a short walk from Dunley Farmlands when ready.

Another good place to set up your home in Farbane Woods in V Rising has to be in the middle of the region. This will work better if you are playing a PvE server. You may be prone to attack from other players if you play PvP. You will be able to defend from attack but as you are in the middle of the resource farming area, expect frequent raids.
If you are playing PvE, then this area is perfect. You will have easy access to resources and as soon as you are ready, you can head the short way to Dunley Farmlands. The plateau has plenty of space to build your castle so you won’t have to be cramped. In the later game, you have to think about moving into a different region to make the most of the resources.
V Rising: Best Base Location in the Hallowed Mountains

Moving on from Farbane Woods, we will head to the Hallowed Mountains. The best place to build your castle in the mountains is relevantly easy to figure out in V Rising. Four good locations have the space for your base but only one can be well-defended. The west platform has enough room for your castle and has only one way in and out.
If you intend to protect yourself, you will need to make use of this chokepoint. There aren’t a lot of resources available in the Hallowed Mountains but if you don’t mind traveling a little to get what you need, there is nothing better than a snowy mountain fortress.
V Rising: Best Base Locations in the Dunley Farmlands

Not only is the base location in the middle of the map, giving you equal distance to all your targets but you won’t have trouble defending it during raids. There is plenty of space for your castle and you will find a Waygate on your doorstep.
If those reasons aren’t enough, pay attention to the nearby resources. You will be directly next door to the Haunted Iron Mine. The mine is huge and will cover all of your iron needs for a while.

Another popular choice for the best base locations in V Rising has to be in the north-east of Dunley Farmlands and it is the fifth on our list. It is another easily defended spot that has easy access to the Church of the Damned and the Bastion of Dunley. This isn’t as large a space as the previous locations so you will need to be careful on how you set up your castle.
If you choose to build your base in this location in V Rising, you will be close to the roads leading to the Cursed Forest and Gloomrot. Whenever you think you can handle a journey further north, you will be in the best place to launch an expedition.
V Rising: Best Base Location in the Cursed Forest

In the mid-to-late game, if you are looking for a defendable and hidden base location, look no further the east of the Cursed Forest. You will be at the very edge of the map which will limit the amount of players around you. It will also make it a little harder to get any resources you need but if you are prepared to put in the work, this location is one of the best in V Rising for a massive base.
If someone has already taken this spot, you can also check out the northwest area of Cursed Forest. It might not be as good as the location on the image above but it is still a great space for your hidden base.
V Rising: Best Base Location in the Silverlight Hills

If you want to build a base in the Silverlight Hills region of V Rising, there is one spot that everyone will want. On the northwest edge of the area, there is a platform big enough to support a large castle. It might not be as defendable as other locations on the map because it has two entry points but all attacks will come from the east so you can keep that direction covered.
It is close to all of Brighthaven and the Sacred Silver Mine so you will have easy access to some resources. Being at the edge of the map, it might take you a long time to travel around but there is a Waygate in the north of Silverlight Hills. Do not try and build here too early because the enemies in the area are quite difficult.
V Rising: Best Base Location in Gloomrot

If you want to build a base in the late game of V Rising, it might be the best tactic to head into Gloomrot. This difficult area is filled with high-end resources that everyone will be struggling to get their hands on. Not only will you be close at hand but all those high-level enemies will discourage any other players from creeping up on your base.
The area marked on the image above shows an area that you can easily defend and is close to some of the major resource farming spots. You will have to design your castle well so there is no wasted space because you won’t have a lot to spare but if you plan accordingly, it will be fine.
That concludes the list of the 8 best base locations in V Rising. These are not the only spots for your castle and you will often find that other players have snaked these areas before you manage to. Try out a few other locations if that happens and look again next time. Feel free to check out our other guides for V Rising below.
- V Rising: Best Spells Tier List
- How to Get Leather and Thick Leather in V Rising
- V Rising: All Unique Legendary Weapons List