With V Rising 1.0 now live, many players are taking a gander at this fun open-world survival vampire-themed game. As you start exploring and gearing up your character, you will find yourself lacking Whetstones which are a crucial resource that can help you enhance and upgrade your base, to ensure your survival.
With that being said, we will take a look at all of the ways you obtain Whetstones in V Rising as well as some helpful information on how you can efficiently farm it or even craft it yourself!

Where to Find Whetstone in V Rising

At the start of your playthrough, you will primarily find Whetstones in Bandit Camps, specifically the Bandit Armory. One single trip should net you enough Whetstones to craft a Grinder which is then used to craft Bricks for your Castle. You can also find Whetstones in chests, barrels, and crates so be on the lookout for those as well.

Grinder Recipe
- 8x Planks
- 4x Copper Ingots
- 4x Whetstones
Please keep in mind that enemies in the Bandit Armories can be quite strong, so make sure to have decent gear to deal with high-level enemies.
There are also other locations in which you find Whetstones such as Bandit Strongholds and Bandit Encampments in Farbane Woods. The Dunley Farmlands also offer Whetstones in Bastion Dunley.

How to Craft Whetstone in V Rising

You can also create Whetstone yourself, however, you will need to meet a couple of prerequisites. You will need to create a Furnace, however the recipe itself is unlocked by defeating Grayson the Armourer. This level 27 boss can be tricky early in the game, so it's best that you have adequate gear to face him.

Whetstone Recipe
- 1x Copper Ingot
- 12x Stone Dust
You can get Stone Dust by crafting Stone Bricks in the Furnace as well as when heading to the Bandit Armory. Copper Ingots are acquired by smelting 20 Copper Ores in your Furnace so make sure to turn up the heat if you are planning on getting Whetstones.
And that is everything you need to know about Whetstones in V Rising. This valuable resource can help you build up your castle to protect you from the dreaded sunlight so be on the lookout when exploring in the open world.