Riot Games is finally looking into making Deadlock competitively viable. The leaked patch notes also show some changes made to Jett as well.
Agent Changes


GravNet (C)
- Now requires players captured in it to manually delete the net to remove
the effect. - Players who fall prey to GravNet will now be weakened indefinitely until they manage to eliminate it.
- Players who fall prey to GravNet will now be affected by increased gravity and have their mobility reduced (e.g., GravNet now reduces Jett's Tailwind (E) distance).
- Increased GravNet removal time from 0.85 sec >>> 1.5 seconds
- Increased GravNet radius from 6m >>> 8m
GravNet (C) now requires anyone captured by it to manually remove the net in order to remove the effect. Before this, if you or the enemy were captured, you were able to remove it by moving out of the net radius or waiting for the effect to expire.
We think this unlocks a unique power profile while making it a more interesting interaction on both sides, as enemies must put down their weapon and make a noise to deal with the debuff. In addition, we’ve made the ability more reliable for Deadlock to execute by increasing its radius while also ensuring that Agents like Jett and Raze can’t trivialize getting caught in it with their mobility.


Blade Storm (X)
- Jett's third-person animations have been adjusted to add more clarity in combat. It will be easier to understand how your movement is affected while running or throwing knives.
Team Deathmatch Agent Changes


Leer (C)
- Cooldown increased from 44 seconds >>> 51 seconds

Empress (X)
- Charge rate decreased by 14%
Reyna's Leer (C) has proven specifically potent in the close confines of Team Deathmatch since it doesn't affect allies and Empress (X) lacking a time constraint if she's rolling has proven extremely powerful. These changes are meant to create more downtime between these power moments and push Reyna to prioritize orbs if she wants to try and take over with Empress.
Reyna's Leer (C) has proven specifically potent in the close confines of Team Deathmatch since it doesn't affect allies and Empress (X) lacking a time constraint if she's rolling has proven extremely powerful. These changes are meant to create more downtime between these power moments and push Reyna to prioritize orbs if she wants to try and take over with Empress.


- Cooldown is reduced from 44 seconds >>> 36 seconds

- Cooldown is reduced from 51 seconds >>> 48 seconds
In Team Deathmatch, Fade’s utility can feel a little hard to use and capitalize off of. These changes aim to help her track down her enemies and close in on them.
Performance Changes
- Presets have been added to the stats page.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the reverb was not being applied reliably to some types of sounds, including gunshots and footsteps.
- Fixed an issue where Viper’s Pit (X) did not correctly block vision for enemies on the minimap and megamap.
- Fixed issues with Fade’s Prowler (C) passing through certain objects.
- Fixed an issue where the report button text was cut off for the Arabic language on the Player Report menu.
Community Reactions
Some players are happy that Deadlock is getting the much-needed attention.
Other players wish that Riot Games buffs her even more as she has been struggling to compete with other agents that are much stronger than her.
Overall, more changes might be coming for Valorant as these early leaks show that the devs are taking steps to balance the meta so that new stars can shine and provide even more interesting team compositions and gameplay dynamics.