The Chinese New Year has almost arrived, and a ton of games have started celebrating with new events and cosmetics. A few days ago, Diablo 4 released their Lunar Awakening event, which featured some dragon-inspired cosmetics, as well as a few new in-game activities for players to participate in.
Riot Games has also added their own little celebration in Valorant, with a free battle pass that players can go through and unlock different titles, gun buddies, and player cards. The event is called 'Scales of Fortune,' and in this article, we are going to give you the full list of rewards you can earn by just playing the game during its 3-week time period.

All Valorant Scales of Fortune Event Rewards
The 'Scales of Fortune' Valorant event is going to last for three weeks, ending during the weekly maintenance on February 28th. The event features 6 tiers of rewards, which will require a total of 80,300 experience to unlock them. This experience can be earned in a similar fashion to the battle pass, by just playing the game and completing any of the daily and weekly missions. Here is the full list of rewards from the new 'Scales of Fortune' event in Valorant, as well as the amount of experience you will need to earn to unlock them:
Tier 1 - Fortune Paws Buddy
- Gun Buddy
- 500 Experience Required

Tier 2 - Radianite Points
- In-Game Currency
- 8,800 Experience Required

Tier 3 - Fortune Booster Title
- Title
- 11,500 Experience Required

Tier 4 - Delightful Stretch Spray
- Spray
- 14,900 Experience Required

Tier 5 - Radianite Points
- In-Game Currency
- 19,400 Experience Required

Tier 6 - Loong Kee Card
- Player Card
- 25,200 Experience Required

That concludes the full list of rewards for the new 'Scales of Fortune' event in Valorant. Make sure to earn these exclusive rewards before they are removed in a little under 3 weeks from now. For more Valorant news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of our website!