Episode 8 is just a couple of days away, and Riot Games have already showcased a ton of changes coming to Valorant. We've seen the reveal of the new Kuronami skin bundle, a few changes to Killjoy and Deadlock, and of course, the brand new Outlaw sniper weapon. The new changes don't stop coming, however, with a ton of adjustments also being made to the Icebox and Lotus maps, aimed to fix some balancing issues as well as make them a lot more fun to play. In this article, we are going to go over all of the new Icebox changes coming to Episode 8, as well as some side-by-side gifs to make them easier to comprehend.

Valorant Episode 8: All Icebox Changes Side By Side
Episode 8 has brought a ton of unexpected Icebox changes, mostly aimed to reduce some complexity within the map and make a lot of fights more predictable. A few changes were also added towards the middle of the map, creating more opportunities for interesting gunfights. Here is what the developers had to say about the Icebox changes coming with Episode 8:
Icebox is back with a few changes to shake up Mid, B Green, and B Orange. Our goal with these changes are to add value and impact to Mid for either team controlling it and simplify pathing toward B Site through B Orange and B Green to make fights more predictable.
Icebox Attacker Spawn
Here are all of the Attcker Spawn changes coming to Icebox with Patch 8.0:
- A storage container has been added on the left side to block line of sight from Attacker Spawn to B Tube.
Icebox Mid/Tube Changes
Here are all of the Mid/Tube changes coming to Icebox with Patch 8.0:
- We felt that Mid could use more value for either team holding it. We’ve added a window toward the end of B Tube that overlooks Mid and can see towards A Site and Defender Spawn. It allows Attackers to assert a lot of pressure on rotators and Defenders should be able to hold more space when holding Mid from B Kitchen or Mid Boiler.
- Added two boxes stacked flush to the wall.
Icebox B Site Changes
Here are all of the B Site changes coming to Icebox with Patch 8.0:
- The hanging container in B Green was creating a lot of complexity for both fights on the ground and people boosting up top. Moving the container out of the way should make combat here more manageable.
- There were multiple parallel paths leading from Mid to B Site. To reduce timings and create more predictable fights we’ve removed the B Orange route closest to B Kitchen.
- Adjusted the snowpile leading up to B Kitchen so you can now silently drop off the boxes.
That was everything you need to know about the new Icebox changes coming to Valorant in Episode 8. The new update is set to launch on January 8th, with a wide array of new content for players to engage with. For more Valorant news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of our website!