Valorant Patch 9.0 is here, and it marks the beginning of a brand-new season of our favorite game. Without a doubt, the current update brought some significant changes to the table, such as the eagerly awaited nerfs for Iso and some smaller improvements here and there that are essential for a better overall gameplay experience. Patch 8.11 delivered a lot of new additions, and fans were doubting that Episode 9 Act 1 would add new maps or Agents so soon after this.
Note: The following information is based on potential hints.
And they were right. We will definitely have to wait at least for the current Patch to come to an end before hoping to get another major addition. However, Riot Games could already be hinting at a new Agent coming to the game at some point in Episode 9, and we are excited to see what abilities they might have to offer. Let's take a look at some of the clues we've spotted so far about Agent 26 in Valorant.
Valorant Agent 26 Potential Hidden Clues

There are very few things more entertaining than trying to decode Riot Games' hints, especially when they are about a new Agent coming to Valorant. Although we were expecting a new character to be added to the game, we are definitely excited to see their possible role and abilities. Usually, upcoming Agents are hyped by using hidden clues scattered around the game. And this time is no different.
Episode 9's Battle Pass added various cool items, such as sprays, gun buddies, skins, and player cards. Two of those cards seem to be themed around a new Agent. The first one has a rose on it, and the second shows Omen reaching towards Crystals. Another hint is contained in the trailer for Episode 9 Act 1.
Valorant Agent 26 Possible Abilities & Teaser
Without a doubt, the Episode 9 Act 1 trailer was extremely exciting, and it fulfilled its purpose of giving Valorant fans the hype they needed before the official release of Patch 9.0. However, there is more to the video than it seems at first glance. In one of the scenes towards the end, we can see a bunch of spiky roots emerging from the ground.
When we combine this with the rose player card, it's safe to assume that Agent 26 could potentially have the ability to trap enemies and deal damage with the spikes of the plant. Moreover, the finale of Valorant Episode 8 unveiled Abyss, a map closely related to the mysterious Hourglass organization. The trailer showed us a figure awakening in a capsule, potentially revealing the origins of Agent 26.
Valorant Agent 26 Email Hints
Of course, there are more clues hinting towards the Hourglass, such as the emails and voicemails left by other Agents to Brimstone. Although we can never be completely certain, through these messages, we can try to gather some valuable information about the upcoming Agent in Valorant.

Brimstone! Brimstone, it’s Fade. When you briefed us on this location, I thought maybe, maybe this is where he’s been all this time. But no! There was no sign of him in the cells; there’s nothing! Nothing! You live until you’re forgotten, right? I’ll keep looking.

We need to get some samples from this Hourglass base over to the lab, alright? Cause I’m down in the South Wing, and there’s this… “flora” down there. Brimstone, I have spent enough time outside to know that these things aren’t indigenous to our Earth. I mean, it looks almost… nah… I’m gonna rack down Gekko, call me back.

It’s me, I found a cool blade in one of the Hourglass vaults. I’m taking it. I asked KJ if it was safe and she said it was. Besides, uh, being, obviously a knife.

I met with Cypher and Omen earlier to go over the Hourglass archives, or what’s left of them. Cypher explained how their system failsafe wiped all the personnel files, and how the physicals here were damaged during the firefight. Omen took the news poorly, as you predicted. I left him with his thoughts after the meeting. I think it’s what he wanted.
Valorant Agent 26 Summary

These messages might not contain too much information, but considering that Agent 26 is still in the early stages of leaks, we are happy to get even this much. We can conclude that the characters are looking for an Agent, who is referred to as He/Him, and he definitely has something to do with Abyss and the Hourglass agency. It's also possible that Omen has some connections to him, as indicated by one of the player cards.
Currently, it is still unclear at what point exactly we will get to see the new Agent in Valorant since no information has been officially released by Riot Games. However, by the looks of it, we will definitely get to see what the hype is all about sometime during the current Episode. Until Agent 26 is released, have fun, and good luck on your next adventure! For more information about Valorant, you can check out this article.