Even though it's been only 2 weeks since the beginning of Episode 8 Act 2, players are already looking towards the next season, which will add a brand new agent to the roster. While we have had very limited information about the upcoming agent Clove, more and more leaks are starting to surface, and speculation is at an all-time high. Another reason for all of the excitement is that Clove is confirmed to be a Controller, a role which heavily dictates the meta of the game.
The latest leak has also been the biggest one yet, as we finally have a full image of Clove. In this article, we are going to go over all of the important leaks and information regarding Clove, so you know what you can expect from Valorant's upcoming agent.
Valorant New Agent Clove Appearance

Thanks to our trusty dataminer and leaker Mike (@ValorLeaks), we finally have a full image of the upcoming Valorant agent, Clove. Based on a few other leaks in the past couple of weeks, we can also say that they are going to be the first non-binary agent on the roster, while also hailing from Scotland. Pink and white seem to be the color scheme behind their clothes and abilities, which is a nice change compared to the many characters that are rocking blue and orange. While we can't gather too much information from this image alone, we can expect a lot of trailers and images to start being released in the next few weeks.
Valorant New Agent Clove Abilities

While we already know that Clove is going to be a Controller, a few days ago, the names of some of their abilities also got datamined. One thing that the community has speculated about is that the agent is going to have some form of luck-based mechanics, based on their name. Only time will tell whether or not this is going to be the case. Here are the names of these abilities, once again courtesy of ValorLeaks:
- Pick Me Up (C)
- Meddle (Q)
- Ruse (E)
Similar to other agents in the Controller role, we can expect Ruse to be Clove's smoke ability, allowing them to block different sightlines around the map. The other two abilities are a bit more vague, and we can't be sure how the entire kit of the agent is going to come together.
Valorant New Agent Clove Release Date

Valorant's newest agent, Clove, is set to release alongside Episode 8 Act 3, which is going to launch around April 30th, 2024. We still have a full month before Clove becomes available, and we can expect a lot more information to be shared or leaked in the coming weeks. New Controllers are always exciting, as they are the building blocks for every composition in the game. Hopefully, Clove releases in a strong state, as the latest agent, Iso, has still not found his footing within the meta.
That is everything you need to know about the upcoming Valorant agent, Clove. With Valorant continuing to add new agents to the roster, more and more different compositions are going to become available, keeping the game fresh and engaging for players at every skill level. For more Valorant news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of our website!