Iso follows in the footsteps of Neon, the last duelist introduced over a year ago, and stands as the second Chinese agent to join the Valorant roster after Sage. His playstyle diverges from the conventional damage-dealing approach often seen in duelists. While others aim to maximize damage output, Iso's kit includes wall creation and shielding abilities that can either aid teammates or present challenges.

Iso's ultimate ability creates an intense one-on-one encounter within a confined arena, temporarily isolating an opponent. During this standoff, the opponent has only one shield, while Iso enjoys the advantage of two. If Iso secures the kill, the ultimate deactivates, allowing him to rejoin the battle. Conversely, if the opponent emerges victorious, the same outcome ensues.
The catch is that if neither player secures a kill within the 15-second time limit, both participants face instant elimination. Valorleaks on Twitter provided insight into the potential risks of Iso's ultimate:
Iso’s Ultimate lasts up to 15 seconds, and if no player secures a victory, both players are condemned to an untimely death," explained Valorleaks. "During this ultimate, you are suppressed, rendering your abilities unusable. The ultimate requires a cost of 7 points.
Initial community reactions suggest that Iso may not be as straightforwardly effective as some other agents. Some players even joked about lower-ranked individuals potentially struggling to secure a kill within the tight time frame.
While there's still much to discover about Iso's interactions with the abilities of other agents, his arrival alongside Episode 7 Act 3 on October 31 has Valorant enthusiasts eagerly anticipating his impact on the game.