Valorant Patch 8.11 introduced many new changes compared to the last two updates, and ever since the release of the new Patch on June 11, 2024, fans have been excited to explore all the new additions that the game has to offer. However, with so many buffs and nerfs, mistakes are inevitable.
Patch 8.11 has been out for only a few days, and fans have already discovered some unpleasant and frustrating bugs. Neon is in desperate need of some nerfs, and there was an accidental buff in her mid-air accuracy that made her a little bit too powerful. Additionally, fans discovered a bug that lets you escape the depths of Abyss and Reyna's broken jumping buff.
Valorant Patch 8.11 Abyss Map Bug

Abyss is currently one of the most thrilling and popular maps in Valorant since it offers a brand-new gameplay experience. The map doesn't have any walls, making it extremely easy to fall off the side. However, players discovered a bug in the Abyss map that lets them cheat and survive falling off the edge of the map.
If you activate Phoenix's Ultimate right before hitting the ground, you'll be able to walk around the bottom of the map and shoot enemies from below. The bug can also be used in post-plant situations, as the area offers a clear sight of the spike on the bridge part. There is currently no response from the developers, but we definitely expect a post on the matter soon.
Valorant Patch 8.11 Reyna's Broken Buff

Reyna is one of the Agents in Valorant who received some major nerfs and buffs. According to the developers, Reyna was too powerful, and they wanted to create a more balanced gameplay experience by giving other Agents a chance to climb up the rankings. However, Reyna's jumping buff caused a lot of annoyance among Valorant fans since it made her stronger than intended.
A video of Reyna jumping off the edge of the map, curving her jump around a pillar, and landing on the other side was released recently, and fans weren't happy with her newfound ability. There are too many situations that can turn her jump into a game-changer. There is currently no response from the developers about this issue either, but fans are demanding an immediate bug fix.

There are definitely some major issues with the new Valorant Patch 8.11 that need to be addressed as soon as possible by Riot Games. Thankfully, Valorant's developers are usually quick to respond to such problems, and we are expecting not only a statement but also some actions on their side. We remain hopeful that the issues with the Abyss bug and Reyna's broken buff will be fixed either now or with the next patch cycle.
Reyna is currently one of the most debated Agents in Valorant, and fans are already asking the developers to remove her. However, although she doesn't offer much to the team, she definitely needs a little nerf, so we can at least go back to the usual balance. For more information about Valorant, you can check out this article.