Valorant Patch 8.11 brought a huge amount of changes to the game, and it was extremely surprising, considering the fact that we haven't gotten anything too significant for a long time now. However, the last update definitely changed that, and there were some massive improvements for the Agents, as well as a few bug fixes that were more than necessary.
Out of 24 playable Agents, five received huge buffs and reworks: Reyna, Raze, Clove, Neon, and Iso. The last Agent on the list is very special in this case because he got some of the biggest buffs Valorant has ever seen. He moved from a D-Tier to an S-Tier Agent in no time, and after a while, it became clear that the developers might have made him a little bit too powerful. Let's take a look at all the details surrounding Iso: user reviews, upcoming nerfs, and more!
Valorant Patch 8.11 Iso Buffs

Iso is one of the characters that received immense buffs when it comes to his Double Tap ability. He can activate Double Tap's shield after a one-second animation. Moreover, it has two charges instead of one, and it can absorb one instance of damage from any source. This means that players who decide to use Iso can now stop absolutely anything that comes their way.
This upgrade seemed cool at first, especially considering the way Iso climbed the ranking charts so quickly. However, the more you try to play against Iso, the more you realize how powerful he is. The intention behind the buff was to create some balance in Valorant, so the top picks aren't only Reyna, Raze, and Jett. Unfortunately, Riot Games' plan went in the wrong direction, and fans aren't happy about it.
Valorant Patch 8.11 Iso Buffs Reviews

Even though there are a lot of complaints about Iso's buffs, other people seem to enjoy the improvements added to the Valorant Agent. And this is understandable - those who play Iso suddenly became almost invincible. They supported the buffs and stated that Iso was an Agent with a lot of undeveloped potential and that everything given to him was well-deserved. However, this is only one side of the coin.
Other people commented on Reddit multiple times that playing against Iso is a nightmare after all the buffs, especially when it comes to his Double Tap ability. Many tried to contact Riot Games and explain the fact that even the most inexperienced Valorant player can now get over 30 kills with Iso, and it's simply not fair. The developers were quiet for a while, but they have now finally responded to all the posts. Let's take a look!
When Is Iso Getting Nerfed In Valorant?

Thankfully, Riot Games has already promised to nerf Iso. The new changes are scheduled to be released along with the new Patch 9.0, also known as Episode 9 Act 1. Fans complained that even Neon, who also got major buffs, isn't as unstoppable as Iso is. Here is what Riot Games had to say on the matter.
We have an upcoming Iso change planned for Patch 9.0:
- Removing the two-kill reset on his E
- Reducing the duration of his E from 20s > 12s
Removing the reset gives Iso just one activation, and reducing the duration should create a clearer window for opponents to deny him fights.
X, Valorant Developers
Fortunately, we don't have to wait for a long time until the nerfs become official since the new Valorant Patch 9.0 will be released on June 25, 2024, or June 26, 2024, depending on your region. Until then, have fun and good luck on your next adventure. For more information about Valorant, you can check out this article.