Infinity Ward's attempt at an extraction shooter, DMZ, has garnered a dedicated player base but failed to achieve the anticipated success. The game mode, though beloved by many, is facing diminishing support due to a series of underwhelming updates, leading to doubts among its enthusiasts.
The turning point in public sentiment came in March when prominent DMZ streamer Stodeh criticized the mode for lacking replayability, meaningful progression, and an excessive focus on player-versus-player combat. The sentiment worsened after the Season 4 Reloaded update in July, when Warzone 2 streamer Westie declared DMZ's fate as "challenged."

Westie attributed his frustrations to a slew of bugs that have significantly hindered DMZ's gameplay. Consequently, players are now urging the game developers to intervene promptly if there is any hope of salvaging the mode.
Labeling DMZ as "20% Enjoyment and 80% Frustration," Warzone 2 players are taking to platforms like Reddit to express their dissatisfaction with the current state of their favorite game mode.
One Reddit post highlighted the overwhelming presence of player-versus-player combat, undermining the original design of DMZ as a predominantly player-versus-environment experience.
"I don't want DMZ to fade into obscurity like Extinction, IWZ, WW2Z, and ExoZ. All I'm asking for is a satisfying PvE experience, especially since MW2 doesn't offer one," the post read.
In response to these concerns, a player suggested the implementation of a separate playlist dedicated to PvE gameplay, catering to squads seeking a more relaxed experience. This idea found resonance within the community.
"I share the sentiment about disliking the PvP aspect. A PvE-only mode would be fantastic," one player commented.
Another player added, "Imagining a separate playlist where cooperation takes precedence over combat is an appealing thought."
Excessive PvP engagement has inadvertently made the experience nearly impossible for solo players facing full teams. A third player argued, "PvP becomes quite unbalanced when you're playing solo. Going up against 3-5 players on your own is simply insurmountable. It's monotonous and unjust."
Whether Sledgehammer Games has plans to reintroduce DMZ in Modern Warfare 3 remains uncertain.