Legendary Merit is one of the three kinds of Merit that exist in Granblue Fantasy: Relink. It is the highest level of Merit and is the one that you will need to Uncap your weapons to the max level.
In this guide we’ll go over what Legendary Merit is, how to get it, and how to use it.
Table of Contents
What is Legendary Merit
Legendary Merit is one of the consumable items in Granblue Fantasy: Relink that is mostly used to Uncap Weapons at the higher stages of the game.

Legendary Merit is the highest rarity of the three kinds of Merit which are - Champion Merit, Supreme Merit, and Legendary Merit.
Legendary Merit starts dropping from Quests in the Maniac Difficulty of the game, so if you still do not have any of this item then you first must unlock the Maniac Difficulty which can be done by completing Chapter 0 of the Granblue Fantasy: Relink story.
Where to Farm Legendary Merit
Legendary Merit can be farmed at any of the Maniac Difficulty Quests in Granblue Fantasy: Relink. To get Legendary Merit from those quests all you have to do is simply complete the quest and you will receive a set amount of Legendary Merit.

The best place to farm Legendary Merit is without a doubt the Maniac Quest [Slimepede] as that Quest not only gives a ton of EXP and Mastery Points, but also a lot of Knickknack Vouchers which can be used to get the best Sigils in the game.
Note that if you do not wish to farm this Quest, other Maniac and Proud difficulty quests will also drop Legendary Merit, so you can do those as well!
How to Use Legendary Merit
As already mentioned, Legendary Merit can be used to uncap a Weapon’s level cap at the Blacksmith.
Weapons in Granblue Fantasy: Relink can be leveled up and have different stars that limit the max level that the weapon can go to.
The max level for any weapon in Granblue Fantasy: Relink is 150 and to uncap your weapons to be able to reach level 150 you will need Legendary Merit.

To Uncap weapons you need to go to the Blacksmith in any of the game’s two hub towns and search for the Hammer icon or simply Fast Travel there.
At the Blacksmith you can choose your character and the Weapon you wish to Level or Uncap and on the right you will see the requirements for uncapping the said weapon.
Most weapons do not require a high amount of Legendary Merit to be uncapped, so you will find yourself having more than enough if you farm Maniac Quests for a bit!
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- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - How to Unlock Characters
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- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - All Playable Characters
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