World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 1 will have 12 different runes for each of the 9 classes in the game. We will be providing updates as soon as we have more information regarding the Mage runes and their locations. Given the incredible interest from players for WoW SoD, we will most probably find out a lot of new changes and content in Azeroth.
We will be taking a look at all of the runes and their locations so you can fully optimize your builds and find your unique playstyle in WoW Classic+. Let's get started!
WoW SoD Mage Runes & Locations

Burnout Rune - Chest
Increases your spell critical strike chance with all spells by 15%, but your non-periodic spell critical strikes now have an additional mana cost of 1% of your base mana.
Burnout Rune

Fingers of Frost Rune - Chest
Fingers of Frost Rune
- Zalazane on Echo Isles in Durotar (coordinates 67, 88). Drops from

Regeneration Rune - Chest
43% of base mana, 40 yd range
Channeled (3-sec cast)
Heals the target for (*42/100*3) health over 3 sec and applies Temporal Beacon for 30 sec.
Temporal Beacon
Records the subject's space-time position. 80% of all Arcane damage done by the caster will be converted to chronomantic healing on each of the caster's current Temporal Beacon targets. This healing is reduced by 50% on self.
Regeneration Rune

Enlightenment Rune - Chest
Enlightenment Rune

Icy Veins Rune - Legs
3% of base mana
Instant cast, 3 min cooldown
Hastens your spellcasting, increasing spell casting speed by 20% and reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting by 100%. Lasts 20 sec.
Icy Veins Rune
- Archmage Theocritus's Research Journal: Tower of Azora in Elwynn Forest
- Rumi of Gnomeregan: The Collected Works: Thelsamar in Loch Modan or Sentinel Hill Inn in Westfall.
- Archmage Antonidas: The Unabridged Autobiography: Hall of Explorers in Ironforge
- The Apothecary's Metaphysical Primer: Alchemy shop in Brill in Tirisfal
- Ataeric: On Arcane Curiosities: The Sepulcher in Silverpine Forest
- The Lessons of Ta'zo: Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar
- Alliance & Horde:
- Arcanic Systems Manual: The Sludge Fen in The Barrens
- Crimes Against Anatomy: Raven Hill Crypt in Duskwood
- Fury of the Land: Grimtotem Post in Stonetalon Mountains.
- Secrets of the Dreamers: Near the Wailing Caverns entrance
- Baxtan: On Destructive Magics: Near the Engineering trainer in Ratchet
- The Dalaran Digest, Vol. 23: Amber Mill in Silverpine Forest
- Bewitchments and Glamours: Moonbrook in Westfall
- Goaz Scrolls: Whelgar’s Excavation Site in Wetlands
- Nar'thalas Almanac, Vol. 74: Ruins of Mathystra in Darkshore
- Runes of the Sorcerer-Kings: Ogre Cave in Loch Modan.

Arcane Surge Rune - Legs
30 yd range
Instant cast 2 min cooldown
Unleash all of your remaining mana in a surge of energy focused at the target dealing (*226/100) to (*264/100) Arcane damage, increased by up to 300% based on your mana remaining. Afterward, your normal mana regeneration is activated and increased by 300% for 8 sec.
Arcane Surge Rune
- Alliance: Can be purchased from the Azeroth Commerce Authority faction for 4 Gold 50 Silver once Honored has been achieved.
- Horde: Can be purchased from the Durotar Supply and Logistics faction for 4 Gold 50 Silver once Honored has been achieved.

Mass Regeneration Rune - Legs
69% of base mana, 40 yd range
Channeled (3-sec cast), 6-sec cooldown
Heals all of target player's party members within 15 yards of target player for (* 42 / 100 * 3) health over 3 sec and applies Temporal Beacon to each target for 15 sec.
Temporal Beacon
Records the subject's space-time position. 80% of all Arcane damage done by the caster will be converted to chronomantic healing on each of the caster's current Temporal Beacon targets. This healing is reduced by 50% on self.
Mass Regeneration Rune
- Go to the Raven Hill Cemetery in Duskwood.
- Enter the right crypt (coordinates 24, 35) and go left.
- On the right side of the room, you will find a container from which you can loot Decrepit Phylactery.
- Enter the left crypt (coordinates 16, 38) and go right.
- Use Decrepit Phylactery on the skeleton lying on an altar. Awakened Lich spawns.
- Defeat Awakened Lich to get the rune.

Living Flame Rune - Legs
11% of base mana, 40 yd range
Instant cast, 1 min cooldown
Summons a spellfire flame that moves toward the target, leaving a trail of spellfire. This trail deals (*100/100) Spellfire damage every second to nearby enemies. Lasts 20 sec.
Living Flame Rune

Rewind Time Rune - Gloves
60 yd range
Instant cast, 30-sec cooldown
Your current target with your Temporal Beacon instantly heals all damage taken over the last 5 seconds. Ineffective on targets that did not have a Temporal Beacon 5 seconds ago.
Rewind Time Rune
- 24x Fish Oil (Murlocs and Naga from e.g. Hillsbrad Foothills).
- 20x Dark Iron Ordinance (drops from Dark Iron Dwarfs in Wetlands).
- 16x Shredder Turbocharger (Crafted by Engineering. Recipe is a drop from Sneed in Deadmines).

Living Bomb Rune - Glvoes
22% of base mana, 35 yd range
Instant cast
The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking (*85/100*4) Fire damage over 12 sec. After 12 sec or when the spell is dispelled, the target explodes dealing (*171/100) Fire damage to all enemies within 10 yards
Living Bomb Rune
- Kill Harvest mobs in Westfall to receive Spare Reaper Parts.
- Kill Dust Devils in Westfall to get Elemental Core.
- Combine Spare Reaper Parts and Elemental Core into Prototype Engine.
- Use Prototype Engine at Harvest Reaper Prototype in Westfall, (coordinates 51, 19), (52, 33), or (36, 52).
- Kill Harvest Reaper Prototype to get the rune.
- Troll & Undead:
- Kill Rot Hide Brute on Fenris Isle in Silverpine Forest until you receive A Talking Head. A Talking Head starts the quest Resting in Pieces.
- Interact with the grave at (coordinates 67, 24). You receive the follow-up quest The Hidden Niche.
- Go up the tower on the left side of the island and interact with the dusty shelf. You receive the follow-up quest Wand to Bethor.
- Complete Wand to Bethor to get the rune.

Arcane Blast Rune - Gloves
7% of base mana, 30 yd range
2.5-sec cast
Blasts the target with energy, dealing (*453/100) to (*527/100) Arcane damage. Each time you cast Arcane Blast, the damage and healing of all other Arcane spells is increased by 15% and mana cost of Arcane Blast is increased by 175%. Effect stacks up to 4 times and lasts 6 sec or until any other Arcane damage or healing spell is cast.
Arcane Blast Rune

Ice Lance Rune - Gloves
8% of base mana, 30 yd range
Instant cast
Deals (*55/100) to (*65/100) Frost damage to an enemy target. Causes triple damage against Frozen targets.
Ice Lance Rune
- Spell Research quest from Marryk Nurribit and find stolen spell notes in the Troggs' camp to get the rune. You will need to pick up the
- Spell Research quest from Isabella and kill Scarlet Initiates to get the rune. You will need to pick up the
- Spell Research quest from Khelden Bremen and kill Defias Agents to get the rune. You will need to pick up the
- Spell Research quest from Mai'ah and kill Burning Blade Familiars to get the rune.