Blizzard has some exciting changes for Alchemists in World of Warcraft's Season of Discovery. The Mixology For Fun and Profit quest has been fixed, and players have discovered that you can now complete both the Mixology For Fun and Profit quest and the Master of Transmutation quest for more rewards. Here's everything you need to know:

SoD has recently received a great update with the release of a hotfix that addresses the Mixology For Fun and Profit quest. These changes brought good news for Alchemists, as it fixes the quest, allowing them to enjoy a substantial bonus of approximately 30% to their Potion and Elixir crafting.
cr: WoWHead
But that's not all! WoW players have discovered that it's now possible to earn even more rewards by completing both the Mixology For Fun and Profit quest and the Master of Transmutation quest. This discovery is great news for the SoD fans who seek to maximize their crafting capabilities.
One player shared their experience of successfully completing both quests. However, achieving these bonuses requires a lot of dedication and effort, as players must gather and turn in specific items to the respective NPCs.
Completing the Quests
To complete the Mixology For Fun and Profit quest, players need to:
- Gather 10x Elixir of Demonslaying
- Gather 10x Invisibility Potion
- Gather 5x Elixir of the Sages
All of these items need to be turned in to Mixmaster Blix in Steamwheedle Port, located in Tanaris.
The Master of Transmutation quest requires players to obtain:
- 3x Arcanite Bar
Take them to Crimeon Lablade in Steamwheedle Port, also located in Tanaris.
Bonus Rewards
The Master of Mixology specialization offers a consistent 30% bonus yield to Potion and Elixir crafting. However, the Master of Transmutation specialization appears to vary in its effectiveness. Some players have reported receiving no bonus Transmutation, while others have claimed to receive a huge 4x bonus.
The introduction of these Profession Specialization quests in the Season of Discovery has sparked discussions among players. Some are enthusiastic about the opportunity to enhance their crafting abilities and earn some sweet rewards, while others may be more cautious.
The recent updates have brought new excitement into the world of Alchemy in World of Warcraft. SoD players are eager to complete these quests, experiment with different combinations, and maximize their crafting potential. Stay tuned for more WoW SoD content.