Thumbnail taken from AzAMOuS' great video here.
WoW Classic Still Facing Issues with Bots and Cheaters
Despite Blizzard Entertainment's many attempts of tackling the evergrowing problem bots pose to World of Warcraft players, it seems that botting is only growing bigger and stronger within the community. Multiple upon multiple of complaints are echoing throughout social media and Reddit, as more and more players are quickly learning that their beloved game is being plagued by bad actors wishing to destabilize the in-game economy by directly influencing the auction house prices and furthering the prohibited gold trading practice.
A recent post by /u/Louishere713hk on Reddit started gaining traction by showcasing just how severe the issue has become with multiple players with multiple hunters bearing Chinese names have been spotted in Westfall in the Hardcore realm of all places.
It's getting this bad on US HC Realms as well if you know where to look, the beaches in Westfall are filled to the brim with hunter bots
All you can do is report them and hop to God they get banned in the ban wave they do :\
The Playerbase Fighting Bots and Blizzard
Even after multiple public outcries of content creators, loyal and dedicated players and overall fans of the franchise, it seems that a war on two fronts is constantly dividing the community into relentlessly persecuting all bots and gold buyers, and those who wish to close their eyes and simply make the most out of the situation. Despite the dwindling numbers on WoW Retail, many players go to Classic to regain their enjoyment of the game that once was at the top of the gaming industry, reliving fond memories of clearing difficult raids or simply meeting new friends and teaming up with party members to go questing together.
With frustration rising so high, some have even lashed out at Blizzard Entertainment for their lack of agency and going so far as to blaming them of intentionally ignoring the glaring issues diminishing the experience for many a player. With Blizzcon 2023 around the corner, players are looking for redemption in the form of Classic+ or another Season of Mastery so that new players can have a fresh start and get into the great world of Azeroth.