Dragonriding Explained:
Dragonriding is a fun new way to fly in the Dragonflight expansion. You get to soar through the sky, using your momentum and special moves. It's like a game within a game where you use the spacebar to zoom up and glide far before you have to touch the ground again.

Unlocking Dragonriding:
You'll be able to start Dragonriding pretty quick – in about 30 minutes after you get to the Dragon Isles and begin your adventures in the Waking Shores. Just finish a few beginner quests and you'll get your very own dragon and some basic flying moves.
Different Dragonriding Mounts You Can Get:
There are 7 dragons you can ride in Patch 10.2.
- Renewed Proto-Drake: You get this one during the early Waking Shores quest line.

- Windborne Velocidrake: You get this dragon at the end of the campaign in Ohn'ahran Plains.

- Highland Drake: You can get this dragon in during the campaign in Azure Span.

- Cliffside Wylderdrake: You'll get this in Thaldraszus.

- Winding Slitherdrake: You get this dragon in Zaralek Cavern during the first quests in the zone.

- Flourishing Whimsydrake: You'll get this one at the start of the Emerald Dream campaign.

- Grotto Netherwing Drake: This one was unlocked during the July Trading Post but now you can get it from the Dragon Keeping quest in the Emerald Dream campaign.

Vigor – The Fuel for Dragonriding:
Vigor is what you use to do your dragon's special moves. It fills up again when you're on the ground or flying really fast. At first, you'll only have a little Vigor, but as you collect the Dragon Glyphs and upgrade your talents, you'll have more and it'll fill up faster.
You can move the Vigor bar around on your screen in the edit mode to see it better.

Finding Dragon Glyphs:
Dragon Glyphs are shiny orbs you can collect while flying. They give you points to learn new dragon skills and upgrade your talents. You can find them all over the Dragon Isles.

You can see all the Glyph Locations in the new zone on the map below:

Dragonriding Skills and Talents:
When you start out, your dragon won't be very strong. But you can learn new skills that make it better at flying and staying in the air longer. These skills are the same for all your game characters once you learn them. It's a good idea to learn all these skills early to make your game easier.

You will learn this set of abilities once you get your first Dragon:

Dragonriding Basics
- While falling from a high location, your Dragon Isles drake extends its wings to propel you both forward. Pointing yourself downward grants more momentum. Evening out can transfer that momentum forward. Pointing yourself upward slows you down. When at your slowest, you will start to fall slowly toward the ground. You also gain access to the following abilities: Surge Forward and Skyward Ascent.

- Dragonriding abilities spend Vigor. Spending time on the ground, whether mounted or dismounted, regenerates 1 Vigor every 30 sec.

Lift Off
- When mounted on a dragonriding mount, double jump to launch upward and start gliding forward.

Thrill of the Skies
- While dragonriding at high speeds, you regenerate 1 Vigor every 15 sec.
From the Talent spell book you can spend vigor to learn this ability:

Aerial Halt
- Flap back, reducing forward movement.
The following abilities can be acquired once you progress through the main campaign:

Winds of the Isles
- You can detect and utilize gale winds that redirect your flight and propel you onward, boosting your speed in the direction of the gale.

Whirling Surge
- Spiral forward a great distance, increasing speed.

Bronze Timelock
- Mark a waypoint on your positional timeline. Use Bronze Rewind to rewind to this location.
Dragon Racing:
If you want, you can try out Dragon Racing. It's a fun extra thing where you fly through courses to see how good you are.

How to Customize your Dragon:
You can change how your dragon looks with different items you get from all parts of the game. You have to go to a special place called the Rostrum of Transformation to change things like the dragon's face, horns, skin, tail, and armor.

Riding With Friends:
There's an option to let other players ride along with your dragon. They turn into little dragons and follow you around. You can turn this on by talking to Lithragosa near the Rostrum of Transformation. Your friends can help you find Dragon Glyphs but they can't join in on Dragon Racing. If you don't want to do this anymore, just talk to Lithragosa again to turn it off.

Now that you're equipped with the know-how, the skies await! Get ready to take your Dragon Isles Drake to new heights and discover all that Dragonriding has to offer. You can check our WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2 guides here.