Welcome to our guide to the latest mounts in World of Warcraft's Patch 10.2, Guardians of the Dream. If you're a mount collector or just looking to ride in style, you're in the right place. In this article, we'll introduce you to all the new and exciting mounts introduced in Patch 10.2 and provide you with the details on how to add these new additions to your collection.
We have sectioned this article by the method of obtaining these mounts:
- Quests & Events
- Dragon Isles Supplies Vendor
- Dream Infusions Vendor
- Seedblooms Vendor
- Achievement Rewards
- Miscellaneous

Quests & Events Mounts:
These are the new mounts you can obtain through different quests and events within the Emerald Dream:
Flourishing Whimsydrake

Description: These playful protectors of the Emerald Dream may be larger than their faerie dragon relatives, but they are no less mischievous.
Source: Reward from the Emerald Welcome quest.
Type: Dragonriding Mount
Winter Night Dreamsaber

Description: These nocturnal dreamsabers carry the chill of winter with them and will often hibernate for days on end if not otherwise awoken.
Source: Chance to be obtained from Emerald Bounties
Type: Ground mount
Ochre Dreamtalon

Description: Playful dreamtalons often decorate themselves in a myriad of colors that only autumn offers.
Source: Reward from the A Little Hope is Never without Worth quest.
Type: Ground mount
Dragon Isles Supplies Vendor:
These are the new mounts you can buy with Dragon Isles Supplies:
Lunar Dreamstag

Description: The moon's pale light is reflected in the pelt of these elusive nocturnal creatures.
Source: Sold by Moon Priestess Lasara in the Emerald Dream (50.2 61.6) for 1200 Dragon Isles Supplies. Unlocked at Renown 17.
Type: Ground mount
Suntouched Dreamstag

Description: The sun's radiant energy nurtures these dreamstags, helping them rapidly reach maturity.
Source: Sold by Moon Priestess Lasara in the Emerald Dream (50.2 61.6) for 1200 Dragon Isles Supplies. Unlocked at Renown 17.
Type: Ground mount
Dream Infusions Vendor:
These are the new mounts you can buy with Dream Infusions:

Description: Imagine being so engrossed by a dream that it feels real; some might even call it a delusion.
Source: Sold by Elianna in the Emerald Dream (50.2 61.8) for 1 Dream Infusion.
Type: Ground mount

Description: There's nothing more beautiful than watching your imagination take flight.
Source: Sold by Elianna in the Emerald Dream (50.2 61.8) for 1 Dream Infusion.
Type: Flying mount

Description: In the Dream, sometimes the myth is more real than its basis.
Source: Sold by Elianna in the Emerald Dream (50.2 61.8) for 1 Dream Infusion.
Type: Ground mount

Description: While most salamanthers' attention jumps freely from one attraction to the next, this one enjoys long periods of deep observation.
Source: Sold by Elianna in the Emerald Dream (50.2 61.8) for 1 Dream Infusion.
Type: Ground mount

Description: One can't help but think what it might feel like to pluck the stars from their fixture in the sky. Perhaps, Stargrazer will show us how someday.
Source: Sold by Elianna in the Emerald Dream (50.2 61.8) for 1 Dream Infusion.
Type: Ground mount

Description: Some daydreams are filled with wondrous possibilities, but shatter when reminded of reality's limitations. Some dreams are not so burdened, even when they carry a rider.
Source: Sold by Elianna in the Emerald Dream (50.2 61.8) for 1 Dream Infusion.
Type: Ground mount
Seedblooms Vendor:
These are the new mounts you can buy with Seedblooms:
Blossoming Dreamstag

Description: The pelts of young dreamstags flower with the vibrant colors of the dream.
Source: Sold by Talisa Whisperbloom in the Emerald Dream (49.8 62.2) for 1 Seedbloom. Unlocked at Renown 18.
Type: Ground mount
Evening Sun Dreamsaber

Description: These dreamsabers are ferocious in battle, yet lethargic and often found lazily outstretched upon open fields. After soaking in the warmth of daylight, their flame flares that much brighter.
Source: Sold by Talisa Whisperbloom in the Emerald Dream (49.8 62.2) for 1 Seedbloom. Unlocked at Renown 18.
Type: Ground mount
Morning Flourish Dreamsaber

Description: Known for the lavish energy that emanates from them, these sabers are notorious tricksters. Their roar scatters the early birds that wake them.
Source: Sold by Talisa Whisperbloom in the Emerald Dream (49.8 62.2) for 1 Seedbloom. Unlocked at Renown 18.
Type: Ground mount
Snowfluff Dreamtalon

Description: As lighthearted and gentle as the snow, they can bounce from one snowdrift to the next without leaving a print.
Source: Sold by Talisa Whisperbloom in the Emerald Dream (49.8 62.2) for 1 Seedbloom. Unlocked at Renown 18.
Type: Ground mount
Springtale Dreamtalon

Description: Surging with the kind of energy and enthusiasm that can make anyone envious.
Source: Sold by Talisa Whisperbloom in the Emerald Dream (49.8 62.2) for 1 Seedbloom. Unlocked at Renown 18.
Type: Ground mount
Rekindled Dreamstag

Description: Ashes of fallen leaves are fertile soil for dreamstags to arise from.
Source: Sold by Talisa Whisperbloom in the Emerald Dream (49.8 62.2) for 1 Seedbloom. Unlocked at Renown 18.
Type: Ground mount
Achievement Rewards:
These are the new mounts you can obtain through different achievements:
Verdant Armoredon

Description: The gnarled horns of this armoredon are far stronger than bone.
Source: Reward for the Dragonflight Keystone Master: Season Three achievement.
Type: Ground mount
Shadow Dusk Dreamsaber

Description: A dreamsaber strikes quickly from the shadows, capturing small animals and slipping back into darkness without a sound. The lucky few who have seen a feeding dreamsaber can see them revel in lazily toying with their prey before beginning their meal.
Source: Reward for the Glory of the Dream Raider achievement.
Type: Ground mount
Verdant Gladiator's Slitherdrake

Description: This drake visited many heroes in their dreams before joining your cause.
Source: Reward for the Gladiator: Dragonflight Season 3 achievement.
Type: Dragonriding mount
Vicious Moonbeast

Description: Unlike most of its kind, this moonbeast has a taste for Horde blood and an affinity for the color blue.
Source: Reward for the Verdant Combatant achievement.
Type: Ground mount
Crimson Glimmerfur

Description: Gilnean legend states this red-and-white fox only crosses the Winter Veil during one season.
Source: Can be bought from the Trading Post.
Type: Ground mount
Anu'relos, Flame's Guidance

Description: Though her feathers flicker with flame's destructive potential, they do not scorch, but simply radiate a comfortable heat.
Source: Drops from the Mythic Fyrakk boss fight in Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope
Type: Dragonriding mount
And there you have it, all of the brand new mounts of Patch 10.2 in World of Warcraft. Whether you're after dragons, stags, or anything in between, this guide has you covered. Hopefully this guide will help you find all of the mounts you are looking for.
For more resources on the new World of Warcraft Patch 10.2, check out our other guides right here on Gameleap.