Guardians of the Dream introduced the crafting material Spark of Dreams. But what do we do with this new content in World of Warcraft? This article explores the basics of this material.
What is it?
Spark of Dreams is a powerful spark, influenced by the dream, elevating your abilities beyond mortal limits. It's a crucial crafting material for high-level gear, ensuring significant upgrades and empowering your character for adventures.
How to Get Spark

Completing two weekly quests grants a Splintered Spark of Dreams, where two splinters combine to form a complete Spark. You can only earn one Splintered Spark per week, allowing for the acquisition of one complete Spark every two weeks. They can be obtained by defeating raid bosses or engaging in PvP quests too.
Available Quests
- 'A Worthy Ally: Dream Wardens' by Keeper Amrymn at Emerald Dream
So much change to that which should be unchanging... Rarely has the Dream seen such turmoil. It is meant to be a place of peace. Of life. Champion, we need all the help we can get. I bid you go forth and bring aid to the expanse of the Dream. I have no doubt the Dream will share it's plenty with you in return.
- 'Proving in War' by Malicia at Valdrakken
You wish for a 'real challenge' do you? So be it. I know of some large-scale conflicts that could possibly challenge even me. I am quite curious to see how you fail... I mean do. Let us see if you can prove yourself to me.
- 'Dreams Unified' by Lady Moonberry at Emerald Dream
This half of a Spark of Dreams could prove useful in your crafting endeavors if you could unite it with a sister piece. Set out in search of another Splintered Spark of Dreams and combine them.
Utilizing Spark to Craft Gear Proficiency in crafting is necessary to use Spark. Add the Spark to the top Reagents slot, also known as the 'Spark slot.' Higher crafting skill results in better gear, with a rank 5 item potentially offering level 463, the highest achievable. If your crafting level is insufficient, seek assistance from a clerk, for example, inquire crafting help from Clerk Silverpaw at Valdrakken.