World of Warcraft Dragonflight Season 3 is here! Prepare for the Megadungeon Dawn of the Infinite with this guide.
Where to Find the Murozond's Rise Dungeon

The dungeon can be found at The Temporal Conflux in Thaldraszus.

The start is at the first Boss Platform, and you'll face off against 3 mobs channeling into the Oathstone, as well as 3 mini bosses which can be taken up at once or separately. Afterwards, you can engage Tyr - the infinite keeper.
- The Vanguards - Cast a frontal bleed, inflicting 16479 Physical damage aimed at the tank. Rethink your positioning here and be strategic. Mages cast Epoch Bolt, inflicting 65917 Arcane damage to enemies. Occasionally, they will use Corroding Damage, reducing movement speed by 40%.
- Keeper Valow - This Boss casts swirlies underneath each player's location. He can also occasionally spawn a bubble around himself, reducing incoming damage by 50% for 15 seconds. This buff also applies to players, so you might want to move into the bubble when it's spawned.
- Medien Relai - She casts unavoidable AOI, Ancient Radiance, inflicting 57677 Holy Damage. This mini-boss can also call in Orb of Contemplation, stunning all hit players for 3 seconds. Be careful, as this orb will return to its caster once it hits you, dealing damage again on its way back.
- Sentinel Spurlock - He can charge against players with Shrouding Sandstorm, causing 109862 Physical damage. After casting this Shroud, he can pull players towards himself with Binding Grasp, which can be stopped by someone stepping into the Shroud.
- Keeper Tyr - The boss spawns after all the mini-bosses are defeated. He has 2 frontals. The first one is Titanic Blow, mustering his titanic strength to strike his target with 659170 Physical damage and knocking back players. Consecrated Ground follows, inflicting Arcane Damage, which can knock down your tank. With Infinite Annihilation, the boss faces a random player and slams the ground, dealing damage in a cone in front of him. Tyr can also cast Dividing Strike, inflicting 549308 Arcane Damage split evenly amongst players. If it doesn't hit at least 2 avatars, he will gain Titanic Empowerment, harnessing the power of the infinite to increase the damage he deals by 33%. This ability stacks up, so it's better to take the blow than face more boosts to his overall damage. The boss can also apply his Spark of Tyr buff to two non-tank players, dealing Arcane Damage. It also deals damage upon removal. Players are advised to stagger the dispels of the debuff to make sure the team can recover their health at the appropriate time. Once Tyr runs out of energy, he will shield himself with Radiant Barrier, which also pushes enemies away. It channels into the Siphon Oathstone. Meanwhile, orbs of temporal essence will spawn. Players should interact with these spawns to gain a haste buff, stacking up to 50% haste in total.
- Timeline Marauder and The Infinite Watchkeeper - Both mobs have AoE which can't be interrupted, so you'll need to be defensive. Interrupt the Displace Chronosequence, which will emit a localized rift; otherwise, the Marauder will gain a shield.
After you're done with these mobs, the doors will open, and you'll have to make it through the maze and portal. On the official World of Warcraft YouTube Channel, Naguura suggests 2 players move simultaneously on opposite sides to bait abilities. The more players make it through the maze, the faster you can use the portal.
Dawn of the Infinite
After navigating the maze and portal, the adventure continues.
- Two proto dragons - Infinite Saboteur and Infinite Diversionist - Prioritize the latter due to its Infinite Fury, dealing 30212 Arcane Damage. Once the dragons are defeated, eliminate all mages in the vicinity before proceeding to the Portal Room.
- Be cautious of Infinite Rift Mages, inflicting 38352 Arcane Damage with Infinite Burn, reducing movement speed by 20%. They may also apply Temporal Damage to tanks, though it poses a lesser threat.
Subsequently, the portal will transport you to either Morchie (right portal) or Time-Lost Battlefield. Pick one, it does not matter which one you deal with first.

- Morchie will greet you with Infinite Timebenders, spawning a few murlocs which won't be hard to beat.
- Morchie - Morchie will cause "More Problems!", summoning alternate versions of herself, leaving you to find which one is the real deal (She's the one without headgear). You'll have to dodge her Dragon's Breath. She can cast Familiar Faces as well, which summons minions. Kite them into the time traps spawned by Morchie, triggered at random locations. Tanks need to keep an eye out for her Sand Blast ability, which fires a sand projectile.
Time-Lost Battlefield
To get to the Battlefield, you need to defeat a couple of Pendules, which cast Time-Beam. Clear the event in the boss room to trigger the next stage, which will be different for the Horde and The Alliance.
- Grommash Hellscream - This boss will be attacked by a few friendly NPCs as well as your party. They can be killed by Grommash's AoE abilities, granting him the Thirst for Battle buff, which can be stacked. Make sure to keep the NPCs safe because you don't want him to stack. Shockwave will help him inflict 164793 Nature damage. Another ability of Grommash's is Bladestorm, which makes him leap to a player and chase after them
Final Boss

After you're done with Grommash and Morchie, you can finally battle Chrono Lord Deios.
- On your way to him, deal with the trash pack with 2 Marauders and an Infinite Slayer. This won't be an easy battle as all 3 mobs have unavoidable AoE damage channels. Coordinate healing and defensive CDs for the first couple of AoE casts. Once you're done, face Chrono Lord Deios - quite a strong opponent.
- Chrono Lord Deios - His Temporal Breath will cast magic in a frontal direction, inflicting 247189 Arcane damage. Meanwhile, the Infinity Orb which can explode into an Infinity Nova, causing a 4-second debuff on all players and increasing the explosion's subsequent damage by 300%. How to handle this? Let one orb fall to the ground while a player stands by the second one, slowing down its descent. Make sure you discuss this 'role' beforehand and not in the middle of the action.
- Chrono Lord Deios also spawns Infinite Keepers. Once you defeat them, the boss will go into Phase 2, continuing to use his mentioned before abilities, as well as summoning puddles, taking up the space. A tip for players is to stay together so no one gets left behind in this situation.
Stay safe and have fun in Season 3 of Dragonflight!