World of Warcraft has just unveiled a map featuring all the Emerald Dream rares. Among the 23 featured, most are normal rares with around 2 million health points. However, players may encounter Rare Elites, tougher foes with over 25 million health. All these creatures can be defeated for daily rewards.
The Map

All Emerald Dream Rares Locations:
- /way 51.3 31.3 Bloodstripe Great Ray
- /way 66.0 63.2 Crabtankerous
- /way 40.3 49.2 Keen-eyed Cian
- /way 34.7 63.2 Envoy of Winter
- /way 30.0 20.9 Firebrand Fystia
- /way 61.8 72.4 Nuoberon
- /way 64.2 84.0 Reefbreaker Moruud
- /way 44.9 36.9 Ristar the Rabid
- /way 43.5 47.0 Somnambulant Ori
- /way 61.8 52.2 Splinterlimb
- /way 47.4 30.3 Henri Snufftail
- /way 58.8 51.4 Ignit the Firebranded
- /way 37.4 31.7 Isaqa
- /way 57.2 51.7 Surging Lasher
- /way 35.4 22.6 Talthonei Ashwhisper
- /way 26.0 26.6 The Apostle
- /way 63.4 71.6 Fruitface
- /way 54.0 41.4 Greedy Gessie
Special Loot
Bloodstripe Great Ray
51.3 31.3
Great Ray's Longbow
Located underwater by the lake overlooked by the Eye of Ysera.
66.0 63.2
Legplates of the Krakken
Located by a small ridge near the ocean in the Shallow Crossing.
Envoy of Winter
34.7 63.2
Winter's Stand
Rare Elite - Zone Event. Located by the Moonwell in Shiversnap Grove. Once the event is active, loot Shiversnap Blossoms around the area and throw them into the well to spawn the rare.
Event announcement: An otherworldly chill settles over Shiversnap Grove, where Amirdrassil's roots run deep. |
Firebrand Fystia
29.9 20.8
Fystia's Fiery Kris
Fystia's Deft Hands |
Rare Elite - Zone Event. Located by the top of the Cinder Summit mountain. Once the event is active, kill enough Primalists in the area to spawn the rare.
63.4 71.6
(Cave) |
Sash of the Fruit Thief
Located inside the Barrows of Reverie. Once inside, take the center route on the first fork and you'll meet with Mylune to receive a buff, Mylune's Blessing. Once you have the buff, loot Missing Fruit around the Barrow until Thieving Podling. Follow it around attacking it until it jumps in water, which will spawn multiple Mischievous Podling and the rare.
Greedy Gessie
54.0 41.4
String of Delicacies
Rare Elite - Zone Event. Located at the ground level in the Haven Cascades. Once the event is active, gather ingredients around the area and toss them to a basket at the location to spawn the rare.
Henri Snufftail
47.4 30.3
Henri's Warm Coat
Located inside a small cave at the ground level of the Haven Cascades.
Ignit the Firebranded
58.8 51.2
Ignit's Fiery Heart
Located inside a small cave in Springling Gloam.
37.4 31.7
Binds of the Shatterer
Located inside a small cave at the ground level of Skystone Falls.
Keen-eyed Cian
40.3 49.2
Mark of the Keen-Eyed Dreamsaber
Patrols around the Viridescent Thicket area.
Matriarch Keevah
41.1 73.3
Mark of the Dreamtalon Matriarch
Located inside a small cave.
Moltenbinder's Disciple
45.8 18.8
Molten Lava Ball
Djaradin's Molten Band |
Located by a lava pool in Slagfell Hold.
Molten Leadspike
63.8 36.2
Nature's Firebathed Robes
Located at the back portion of the Char.
Moragh the Slothful
38.8 71.5
(Cave) |
Nipping Night's Necklace
Located deep in a cave in Whorlwing Basin.
Mosa Umbramane
54.9 36.7
Mark of the Umbramane
Inside a small cave in the Meandering Rootlands.
61.7 72.1
Rare Elite - Zone Event. Located at the botton of the waterfalls in the Fields of Reverie. Once the event is active, collect fruits in the area to spawn the rare.
Ristar the Rabid
44.9 36.9
Fang of the Frenzied Nightclaw
Located inside a cave in the Haven Cascades.
Somnambulant Ori
43.5 47.0
Ori's Verdant Feather
Located perched atop the head of a statue in the Viridescent Thicket.
61.8 52.2
Splinterlimb's Branch
Located by a clearing in the Singing Fen. Initially friendly, to make the rare hostile you must kill mobs near him as he steps on Amirdrassil's Roots to accumulate stacks of Corrupting Sparks. Rare will become hostile at 8 stacks of Corrupting Sparks.
Surging Lasher
57.0 51.7
58.9 71.9 |
Lasher's Red Thorn
Can spawn during Emerald Frenzy events by killing enough mobs in the area.
Talthonei Ashwhisper
35.1 22.6
36.9 22.4 61.4 67.4 63.9 70.1 64.4 66.6 |
Talthornei's Wrath
Can spawn in multiple locations around the Fields of Reverie (where the Primalists are attacking) or the Scorching Charm.
The Apostle
26.0 26.6
The Apostle's Steps
Located by the Furnace Coil, just behind the structure housing the Amirdrassil raid entrance.
Achevements & Rewards
For defeating 10 rares each player will recieve the Adventurer of the Emerald Dream achievement. Upcon being killed these rares drop Flightstones and there's a chance for a gear drop as well.