The Guardians of the Dream content update is scheduled for the week of November 7. Blizzard recently made last-minute updates to their content notes. Here's what will be available soon:
The Emerald Dream

The Emerald Dream is a vital zone for Azeroth's survival, safeguarded by the Green Dragonflight for centuries. Fyrakk and forces pose a renewed threat, prompting Azeroth's heroes to unite and protect it from destruction.

Tyrande planted a special seed, growing into a new World Tree on the brink of entering Azeroth. Fyrakk and the Druids of the Flame are determined to inflame the Dream's inhabitants under the World Tree's branches. They aim to infuse the World Tree's heart with fire to spread eternal flames across Azeroth.

The Eye of Ysera, named after the Dreamer Ysera, resides in the powerful center of the green dragonflight, where her brood protects Azeroth.

The Dream Wardens, alongside the Green Dragonflight, safeguard the Emerald Dream. These include Keepers, dryads, druids, and runebears. Players can increase their Renown by aiding the Dream Wardens in quests, unlocking garden-themed weapons.
The Emerald Dream houses various intriguing characters:
Keepers of the Grove: Guardians of the Dream, children of Cenarius, entrusted with its protection.
Dryads: Protectors of the Dream's natural beauty, skilled in nature magic and often accompanied by wolves, bears, and deer.
Moonkin: Nocturnal creatures adept in mastering the moon and stars, supporting other druids and defending the Emerald Dream.
Wild Gods: Powerful beings embodying nature's essence, serving as guardians to maintain the Dream's balance.
New Cycle of Public Events

Superbloom is the primary public event featuring Emerald Bounty and its accompanying micro-events.
- Superbloom Event: Starting every hour, Sprucecrown, an Ancient of Life, initiates a ritual around Amirdrassil, the World Tree, seeking players' aid in fostering life. Tasks include watering flowers, removing weeds, and defending against Primalists. Participation in this event earns Bloom, with the main reward available once per week. Accumulating more Bloom leads to better rewards.
- Emerald Frenzy: Occurring twice an hour, a random area within the zone becomes infused with life energies, triggering an Emerald Frenzy among the wildlife. Players must defeat these frenzied creatures to earn Emerald Dewdrops.
Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Raid

Join forces with the Dream Wardens in their battle against Fyrakk and the Druids of the Flame. The raid consists of 9 bosses available in various difficulties: Raid Finder, Normal, Heroic, and Mythic. These bosses include Gnarlroot, Igira the Cruel, Volcoross, Council of Dreams, Larodar Keeper of the Flame, Nymue Weaver of the Cycle, Smolderon, Tindral Sageswift Seer of the Flame, and Fyrakk the Blazing.
Here's the raid schedule, as published by Blizzard:
- Week of November 14— Raid Finder Wing 1: Incarnates Wake (Gnarlroot | Igira the Cruel | Smolderon), Normal, Heroic, Mythic
- Week of November 21— Raid Finder Wing 2: Molten Incursion (Volcoross | Larodar, Keeper of the Flame)
- Week of November 28— Raid Finder Wing 3: The Viridian Weave (Council of Dreams | Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle)
- Week of December 12— Raid Finder Wing 4: Fate of Amirdrassil (Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame | Fyrakk the Blazing)
Rewards inlcude:
- New legendary weapon: Fyr’alath, the Dream Render: Two-Handed Axe (Death Knights, Paladins, Warriors)
- New dragonriding mounts: Reins of Anu’relos, Flame’s Guidance (Mythic Difficulty) and Renewed Proto-Drake: Embodiment of the Blazing customization (available in all difficulties)
- Reusable helm enchantment
Dream's Hope Class Armor Sets

Dragonflight Season 3

Dragonflight Season 3 starts the week of November 14, allowing players to explore Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope, on all difficulty levels, including Raid Finder Wing 1: Incarnates Wake.
Mythic+ introduces additional dungeons into its rotation:
- Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond's Fall
- Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond's Rise
- Waycrest Manor (Battle for Azeroth)
- Atal'Dazar (Battle for Azeroth)
- Darkheart Thicket (Legion)
- Black Rook Hold (Legion)
- The Everbloom (Warlords of Draenor)
- Throne of the Tides (Cataclysm).
The latest seasonal rewards in Mythic+ include two new titles, "the Dreaming" and "the Dreaming Hero," dungeon teleports, and a new version of the Mythic+ Armoredon mount Verdant Armoredon.
At the start of Season 3, Keystones will decrease by 11 levels in addition to any standard weekly reduction. Here are a couple of examples to illustrate this, as shown by the official WoW Site:
Example 1: If you completed a +15 dungeon during the week of November 7-14 but didn't complete it within the time limit, the resulting Keystone would usually drop by 1 level due to not timing the key (15 > 14). With the seasonal rollover, it will then drop an extra 11 levels (14 > 3).
Example 2: If you timed a +15 dungeon during the week of November 7-14, the resulting Keystone would typically remain at level 15 because you timed the +15 last week. However, with the seasonal rollover, it will drop an additional 11 levels (15 > 4).
The new season introduces an updated PvP Ladder, higher item level gear, and new rewards: Arena title - "Verdant Gladiator," Rated Solo Shuffle title - "Verdant Legend," a new weapon illusion, tabard, cloak, pennant, weapon appearances, Verdant Gladiator's Slitherdrake dragonriding appearance, and new Vicious mounts featuring both Alliance and Horde-themed Moonbeasts.
Battleground Blitz Brawl

Players can queue individually or with a partner for 8v8 PvP matches on one of eight maps: Warsong Gulch, Twin Peaks, Temple of Kotmogu, Eye of the Storm, Silvershard Mines, Battle for Gilneas, Arathi Basin, and Deepwind Gorge. The Battleground Blitz will be accessible as a weekly brawl from its launch week starting on November 7.
Team Composition
- Every team needs to have 2 healers, 5-6 damage dealers, and 0 to 1 tank.
- Opposing teams will always have the same number of tanks (0 or 1).
- Matches that do not include a tank will not take place on any Capture the Flag maps.
More information can be found in the full notes on WoW's offical webiste.