With the final balance patch released just before the opening of the new raid, we can now examine how the meta might shape up in Season 3 of Dragonflight. The upcoming raid, 'Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope,' introduces a wealth of new tier sets, trinkets, and a Legendary Axe. In this article, we will delve into the performance expectations for all DPS classes in the latest raid tier of patch 10.2.
Our evaluation of these classes will be a blend of factors, including survivability, damage output, raid buffs, utility, and how we anticipate their performance against the new raid bosses. Given that raid groups require a mix of melee and ranged classes, we'll also consider the competition for slots against their counterparts. With these considerations in mind, here's our DPS tier list for the 10.2 raid tier:

Dragonflight Season 3 Raid DPS Tier List:
Tier | Heroes |
S Tier | |
A Tier | |
B Tier | |
C Tier |
S Tier DPS Classes For Raiding in Season 3:
Once again, Augmentation is going to be the most wanted class in the new raid. Being the only support/DPS hybrid option currently present in the game is going to secure them raid spots until they get nerfed to the ground or another similar class gets introduced. The amount of utility they bring through damage, healing, and survivability increases is going to be mandatory for every raid group.
Following the recent rework they received, Havoc Demon Hunters are going to be one of the best classes for Amirdrassil. They have a very effective damage profile and are expected to deliver some of the highest raw damage from a melee class in this patch. The rework has significantly improved their survivability, reintroducing strong defensives that were lost in Dragonflight. Additionally, they bring Darkness as well as Chaos Brand to enhance the overall raid setup.
Enhancement Shamans received some small talent changes, but their true value is going to come from their new tier set. They are expected to do the most damage out of any melee class in the game. Melee classes in general have been receiving a lot of buffs recently, which will lead to Windfury Totem being a high value asset in any raid group. While they do lack the survivability and raid buff options, the raw damage they are going to bring is going to put them in S tier.
Fire Mages haven't undergone any significant changes for Amirdrassil. They are expected to be the top choice for ranged DPS, thanks to a potent combination of high damage output, exceptional mobility options, and strong survivability. This ensures their secure place in any raid group. The utility they provide through Arcane Intellect, Time Warp, and their new barrier spells is substantial enough to propel the class to the top of the charts.
A Tier DPS Classes For Raiding in Season 3:
All three Rogue specs look very solid in the new raid tier, and the likely winner among them is Assassination. The recent rework to the Rogue class has introduced a lot of new tools and quality-of-life changes, sure to enhance their overall performance in the new tier. Assassination brings significant burst damage to the table and has some of the best defensives in the game. Overall, you can't go wrong with any Rogue spec this season, but if you want to push a little further, we recommend Assassination.
Devastation Evokers are going to be in a similar situation in the new raid tier. They bring amazing damage and mobility options but are heavily overshadowed by the rise of Augmentation. The spec itself is in a great spot in this patch, delivering some of the highest damage as a ranged DPS. For general pugging, we expect that Devastation is going to see a good amount of play, but most of the high-end guilds are likely to only run the Augmentation spec, along with some of the different ranged options in the game.
Frost Mages are going to be one of the sleeper picks for the new raid tier. They haven't received any significant changes recently, but their new tier set is going to put them in a very strong position in terms of damage output. As with the other Mage specs, Frost is going to bring a lot of strong utility options to the raid group, with their Arcane Intellect raid buff, as well as Time Warp and the new survivability options with their barriers. The only reason frost is in A tier is because we believe that Fire is going synergize a little better with Augmentation Evoker.
Similar to Assassination, Outlaw Rogues are looking to be in a great spot for the new tier. Their damage profile is a bit more cleave-based, rather than the bursty nature of the other two specs, which puts them in better position for some of the bosses in the raid. The overall power level of the Rogue spec is very high at the moment and we expect to see them in most raid groups. Their damage is solid and as always they have some of the best defensive options in the game.
Survival is looking to be the winner out of the three Hunter specs in this new raid tier. They have the best damage profile for the raid, doing high single-target burst damage, while not sacrificing their AoE options to do it. While Hunters have faced challenges joining raid groups in the past due to their lack of raid buffs and utility, the newly added Hunter's Mark is expected to incentivize the player base to bring at least one to their groups. In this patch, we believe that one should be Survival.
Similar to the other Mage specs, Arcane is going to be in a great position in the new raid tier. They bring all of the utility options from the Mage spec, and they are capable of doing some of the highest damage in the game. The only problem with Arcane is that the spec is a lot more complex to master, and with a brand new raid to learn, it might be hard to play at the highest level. This spec can honestly go anywhere in this tier list depending on the player that controls it, so we are going to put them in the middle of A tier.
Beast Mastery Hunters are looking to be in a great spot for the new raid tier. The damage numbers they bring in this patch are on the higher side, while being able to execute their entire rotation on the move. The new Hunter's Mark debuff is also going to increase the general power level of Hunters in this tier. While we expect Survival to be the stronger spec because of its damage profile (having both single-target and AoE options, while Beast Mastery struggles with cleave) BM is still going to be very strong this season.
Death Knights are in an interesting spot in the new patch. While they don't bring the highest damage (still decent) or the best utility (AMZ is still great) for your raid group, they are really strong in a lot of niche situations. Death Grips are going to be really useful in some raid encounters and the new Legendary Axe is sure to boost their power level when they are able to obtain it. Death Knights are one of the tankiest classes in the game, but their lack of mobility options are going to hurt them, depending on the amount of Augmentation Evokers that are going to be played.
B Tier DPS Classes For Raiding in Season 3:
Subtlety Rogues are looking to be in a good spot ahead of Patch 10.2. The recent rework of the Rogue class has introduced a lot of amazing quality of life changes that are going to improve the performance of the spec. They bring solid damage, as well as some of the best survivability options in the game. The only reason Subtlety is a bit lower on the list is due to the other two Rogue specs being a little stronger. Overall they are a great pick for Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope raid.
While being the lowest rated of the three Hunter specs, Marksmanship is still in a decent position in the new patch. While their sustained damage is not something to write home about, they have one of the highest burst-damage windows in the game. We could see some hunters switching to Marksmanship for a niche situation in some of the new raid bosses, but in general we believe that the other two Hunter specs are in a more solid position.
Demonology Warlocks have gotten a big rework to how their damage work in this tier. They have shifted away from their big cooldown window of Nether Portal and Tyrant into a more sustained damage profile. These changes are nice and make the spec a lot more flexible. The damage they bring is not as high as the other ranged options in this list, but their utility between Healthstones and Demonic Gateway, are sure to bring them in many raid groups.
Retribution Paladins are in a decent spot in the upcoming raid tier. Similar to Feral, which is a little lower on this list, Ret feels like its been left behind recently, because of the reworks to Demon Hunters and Rogues. A lot of the melee classes have gotten significant buffs and quality of life changes which pushes them higher in the overall tier list. Retribution still has great survivability and utility options, but they don't bring the highest raw damage in this patch, which is needed in order to be competitive with some of the other melee specs in the game.
While Feral Druids have received some minor buffs this patch, they are not enough to put them any higher than this tier. With so many melee classes getting strong buffs and reworks, Feral has been left on the backburner. Their numbers are competitive, but the utility they can bring is more than likely to be covered by either Balance or Restoration Druids, which are in a much better spot. Feral is in a decent spot but there are stronger options for the melee DPS role.
Destruction Warlocks have seen some changes to their Infernal in this patch, which will help them improve their AoE damage, however when compared to the other DPS specs in the list, they still fall short. They also have one of the weakest tier sets, providing them with a negligible damage increase. All three Warlock specs feel a little undertuned this patch, which will likely create a scenario where only one is brought for their Healthstones and Gateway. We believe Demonology to be the best spec out of the three, but not by much.
While Elemental Shamans do have the raw damage numbers to hang with the rest of the DPS classes, they are basically the only spec that brings no group utility to the raid. Their new tier set is also a slight downgrade to their old one, which further cements their position in the lower half of this list. The power level of Enhancement and them being able to bring Windfury Totem is going to overshadow the damage capabilities of Elemental in this patch.
Unholy Death Knights are experiencing changes in Season 3, adjusting the power of their abilities, particularly making Army of the Dead weaker, but boosting their longer sustained damage. While this might slightly improve their performance in other content, their power level in raid encounters has been nerfed. While Anti-Magic Zone and Death Grip are amazing utility options, we believe that Frost or Blood are going to be the specs that get invited for them in this tier.
C Tier DPS Classes For Raiding in Season 3:
Affliction is in an okay spot, but it's overshadowed by the other Warlock specs and the rest of the ranged classes. Their damage is currently lacking compared to the top of the list and their damage profile is not the best for the current raid. Unless they receive some buffs, we recommend trying out one of the other two Warlock specs for this patch.
While Shadow Priests have received some buffs recently, they got hit really hard during the previous raid tier. Their damage is not as high as the rest of the ranged DPS cast and with the nerfs to Power Infusion and how strong the healing Priest specs are (In order to bring Fortitude and PI), we see little value in bringing Shadow to raid groups.
And there you have it! We've covered the DPS scene for Season 3 of Dragonflight's new raid, 'Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope.' Don't forget, raid teams need a mix of melee and ranged characters. Considering the competition for slots against their counterparts adds another layer to the puzzle. With this info in your back pocket, you're ready to make smart choices for your DPS role in the upcoming patch 10.2 raid tier.
If you are interested in more resources covering patch 10.2, check out the other guides on our website.