The first Fyrakk kill occurred earlier today in World of Warcraft Dragonflight, resulting in the legendary drop of Fyr’alath, the Dreamrender axe. You can learn more about it in this article. However, this potent and overpowered item remains unattainable until the player completes a questline. We're here to provide a detailed look at how to accomplish that.

Streamer Meeres and Wowhead are collaborating to offer fans a step-by-step walkthrough of the questline. Here's the highlights:
Visit the Azerothian Archives
The Fyr'alath, the Dreamrender, is an incredibly powerful weapon, but it envelops its owner in Shadowflame, overpowering them when equipped. As mentioned earlier, players need to complete a lengthy quest to use this item properly.
Visit the Azerothian Archives to find an expert on Shadowflame
The moment you attempted to wield Fyrakk's axe, Fyr'alath, its flames consumed you. Clearly the weapon's shadowflame was too intense. Perhaps you should consult an expert on shadowflame and ancient artifacts. Maybe one of the scholars at the Azerothian Archives can deduce a method for handling it safely.
The quest takes players to the Azerothian Archives, a location listed in the Seeds of Renewal teaser posts. This place can be found near the floating isles just north of Alge'thar Academy in Thaldraszsus. The Shadowflame specialist to look out for is Eadweard Dalyngrigge.
Handling it
Eadweard Dalyngrigge offers the quest Handling it, sending the axe's owner to modify the haft with three components - Symbiotic Glowspore Grip, Rune of Shadowbinding, Concentrated Sophic Vellum.
Obtain a Symbiotic Glowspore Grip, a Rune of Shadowbinding, and a Concentrated Sophic Vellum.
If you want to wield Fyr'alath safely, you'll need to modify the weapon's haft with three components. First, you'll need a fireproof hide that can handle intense heat. Next, acquire enchanted vellum that can contain the weapon's volatile magic. Finally, a scribe must apply the proper runes, so you can bind the first two materials to the axe. My journal over there includes a few recommendations of crafters who can help you. You might also know a few!
Now, all that's left for us is to find those three components.
Handling It: Symbiotic Glowspore Grip & Shadowed Dreamleaf

Handling It: Symbiotic Glowspore Grip
Seek out Erden in the Ohn'ahran Plains.
I know a crafter who could help temper Fyr'alath. Erden of Clan Shikaar is extremely resourceful. He's performed many experiments with various reagents throughout the Dragon Isles. Hunters are only as good as their weapons. Erden is known for crafting exquisite weaponry with exotic materials. His expertise in various flora and fauna should prove quite informative.
Talk to the centaur Erden east of Mountainview Post in the Ohn'ahran Plains. He will offer you the next quest, asking you to collect 200 Shadowed Dreamleaf by completing objectives in Superbloom events in the Emerald Dream.
Handling It: Shadowed Dreamleaf
Collect 200 Shadowed Dreamleaf from completing objectives in the Superbloom
When Fyr'alath's power is at its limit, you will need a grip that can cool itself. It is like standing your ground when a beast charges you: as the battle heats up, you need a way to stay focused. Various leathers throughout the Dragon Isles have that cooling property, but I know of something better. Foliage that is routinely exposed to shadowflame would be the best choice for binding the components together. Let us gather what you need.
During Superbloom, players will receive the Tattered Dreamleaf item, usable on friendly party members helping you in this quest. After completing their Superbloom quests, they will get Restored Dreamleaf, empowering the holder of Fyrakk's axe and increasing the rate at which they receive Shadowed Dreamleaves. Avoid using the Tattered Dreamleaf on yourself, as it's reported to cause in-game issues.
Completing this quest will award you the Prototype Dreamleaf Grip, useful later on.
Handling It: Concentrated Sophic Vellum & Radiant Fleck of Ash

Handling It: Concentrated Sophic Vellum
Seek out Shalasar Glimmerdusk in the Ohn'ahran Plains.
I know of a sage who can help temper Fyr'alath. Shalasar Glimmerdusk is an expert in intellectual matters, often pondering theories for controlling volatile magics. Few understand sophic matters as well as she does. Seek her guidance in managing shadowflame. I suspect her solution may include a sprinkle of Chromatic Dust!
The next quest is given by Shalasar Glimmerdusk, who will help you enchant the weapon. Find her by the Nelthazan Ruins in the Ohn'ahran Plains.
Handling It: Radiant Fleck of Ash
Collect 20 Radiant Flecks of Ash from powerful pieces of gear throughout the Emerald Dream.
I've heard that in the Emerald Dream, a coarse ash with strong properties of shadowflame tends to cling to powerful pieces of equipment. The only way to harvest that powerful dust is by disassembling the equipment. Here, use this rod I've enchanted. It should allow you to siphon off the dust you need.
1 Radiant Fleck of Ash is gained per piece of loot obtained within the Emerald Dream. At Renown 7 with the Dream Wardens, players can buy 20 Fallen Protector Handguards from Moon Priestess Lasara.
Completing this quest awards you the Prototype Order Vellum, which will be used later on.
Handling It: Rune of Shadowbinding & Taut Tethercoil

Handling It: Rune of Shadowbinding
Seek out Lydiara Whisperfeather in the Azure Span.
Lydiara Whisperfeather is an academic who recognizes the rigidity of the rules that govern our world. She also likes bending them. If there is anyone who can assist in binding Fyr'alath's power, it's her.
Talk to Lydiara Whisperfeather by the Azure Archives in the Azure Span, who will give you a new quest, sending you off to collect 50 Taut Tethercoil. She’ll help you with the inscription for the weapon.
Handling It: Taut Tethercoil
Collect 50 Taut Tethercoil from powerful foes throughout the Emerald Dream.
I've read of a root in the Emerald Dream known for its defensive qualities. It binds its tendrils to powerful foes as a way to protect surrounding flora and fauna. A friendly scribe might be able to help you adapt its properties. If I could just get my hands on some of that root, I'm sure I could dissect its properties and mold it into something capable of harnessing Fyr'alath's power. Here are my notes. You should be able to find powerful creatures guarding patches of wild tethercoil. Good hunting
Taut Tethercoil is a drop from rare mobs in the Emerald Dream. Once you're done, you'll receive the Prototype Binding Rune.
The Echo OF Fyrakk - Ending of the Quest
The final step in the quest is to combine the 3 items you got from each professional. Afterwards you'll be sent to Obsidian Throne to meet with Eadweard, Wrathion and Scalecommander Emberthal. Yet you still won't be able to equipe the axe! You'll head to Aberrus to face off the Echo of Fyrakk. Beat him and you'll have your prize - Fyr'alath the Dreamrender.