The World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Remix have received a lot of feedback from players, following some exploitative behaviour that was quickly patched as some would argue that the overall event experience has been quite mixed.
The core mechanic of MoP Remix called the Cloak of Infinite Potential incentivizes players to complete different forms of content to upgrade their back item to grow stronger but also further help out leveling alts due to the massive XP buffs.
With that being said, we will see what changes the devs have implemented to make the gameplay and rewards more exciting, as well as how this will affect the mode in the long run.

WoW MoP Remix Spool of Eternal Thread Changes

According to the newest blue post, Blizzard has added several Spool of Eternal Thread items that vary in the amount of stats you get.
Minor Spool of Eternal Thread - 40 Threads
Lesser Spool of Eternal Thread - 50 Threads
Spool of Eternal Thread - 100 Threads
Greater Spool of Eternal Thread - 180 Threads
Below, we will list all of the ways you can obtain Spool of Eternal Thread by completing daily content:
- World Bosses award Greater Spool of Eternal Thread - Oondasta, Sha of Anger, Nalak, Galleon, Timeless Isle Celestial, Ordos
- Infinite Bazaar Daily Quests award Greater Spool of Eternal Thread - A Fresh Scene, Looking for More, Looking for Group
- Random Normal LFG Dungeon awards Spool of Eternal Thread
- Random Heroic LFG Dungeon awards Spool of Eternal Thread
- Random Scenarios (Daily) award Spool of Eternal Thread
- Each LFR Wing awards Spool of Eternal Thread
Players will also get Spool of Eternal Thread by completing MoP Remix achievements:
Campaign Quests - Greater Spool of Eternal Thread
Reputation - Spool of Eternal Thread
Exploration - Minor Spool of Eternal Thread
Treasures - Lesser Spool of Eternal Thread
Rares - Lesser Spool of Eternal Thread
Scenario - Minor Spool of Eternal Thread
Heroic Scenario - Lesser Spool of Eternal Thread
Zone Tour - Spool of Eternal Thread
Heroic Dungeon - Lesser Spool of Eternal Thread
World Boss - Minor Spool of Eternal Thread
LFR - Spool of Eternal Thread
Normal - Spool of Eternal Thread
Heroic - Greater Spool of Eternal Thread
WoW MoP Remix Hotfixes

Balance Changes
- The health of creatures in heroic scenarios has been decreased by 20% - 25%, based on the players’ levels. Higher level players will see enemies incur a larger decrease.
- The health and damage of creatures on the Timeless Isle, Isle of Giants, and Isle of Thunder has been reduced.
- Several spell gems (that were not scaling up or down correctly based on player level) have been adjusted so that they provide a more-appropriate scaling effect. This includes Cold Front, Windweaver, Vampiric Aura, and Lightning Rod.
- Spell gems with shielding effects should no longer cause threat.
- Fixed a bug with Righteous Frenzy not canceling upon the end of combat.
- Timerunner’s Vial mana regen significantly increased.
And that covers all of the changes that were added on May 21, 2024. We will possibly see even more adjustment as time goes by with more and more players testing out the limited-time event whilst re-discovering the beauty of Mists of Pandaria not only in terms of raiding but overall atmosphere.