Blizzard Entertainment has recently released a hotfix for World of Warcraft Patch 10.2. Dragonflight, Wrath of the Lich King Classic, Burning Crusade Classic, and WoW Classic are all undergoing adjustments, buffs, and nerfs. Read the original post here, or join us as we delve into the highlights of the WoW changes.

The hotfix brings about some notable alterations, including adjustments to Frost Death Knights, a buff to healing for Restoration Druids, and a small damage increase for Augmentation Evokers and Shadow Priests. Additionally, there's a buff to pet abilities for Affliction and Destruction Warlocks. The unique rare elite enemy in Forbidden Reach and Zaralek Cavern is now purportedly dropping items more frequently.
In PvP, numerous small changes have been introduced for Havoc Demon Hunters, Druids, Priests, and Evokers. These ajdustments and fixes are expected to contribute to a more interesting World of Warcraft gameplay experience.
Death Knight
Aberrus, the Shadow Crucible 2-piece set
The damage of your next Frostwyrm's Fury is increased by 4% (was 5%). Stacks unchanged. The effectiveness of Frostywrm's Fury reduced to 25% (was 30%). Howling Blast damage reduced to 10% (was 20%). Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope 4-piece set
Chill Streak can bounce 3 additional times (was 2 times). The chance to proc a bonus effect increased to 35% (was 30%). Chill Streak damage increased by 10%. Obliterate damage increased by 8%. Enduring Chill chance to bounce increased to 25% (was 20%). Piercing Chill damage increased to 12% (was 10%). Druid
All healing increased by 3%. Not applied to PvP combat. Evoker
Shifting Sands will now properly trigger twice when casting back-to-back empower spells with Tip the Scales. Paladin
Fixed an issue causing Retribution Aura to fail to trigger from some abilities. Priest
Resolved an issue preventing the cooldown of Mass Dispel from resetting when an encounter ends. Shadow
All damage increased by 5%. Not applied to PvP combat. Rogue
Fixed an issue that caused Envenom's buff to persist beyond its intended duration when used with fewer than 5 combo points. Warlock
All damage dealt by you and your pet's abilities increased by 6%. Not applied to PvP combat. Destruction
All damage dealt by you and your pet's abilities increased by 6%. Not applied to PvP combat.Dungeons and Raids
Murozond’s Rise
Tyr, the Infinite Keeper
Tyr, the Infinite Keeper's health reduced by 15%. Tyr, the Infinite Keeper will now only cast a single Dividing Strike within a sequence of the Infinite Hand Technique. Chrono-Lord Deios
Chrono-Lord Deios' Temporal Breath impact damage reduced by 20% and periodic damage reduced by 15%. The vulnerability effect of Chrono-Lord Deios' Infinity Nova reduced to 75% (was 250%). Resolved an issue that could cause a player standing in certain locations to not be eligible for loot. The Everbloom
Ancient Protectors
Dulhu's Noxious Charge impact damage reduced by 25%. Dulhu's Noxious Discharge damage reduced by 25%. Dulhu's Noxious Discharge impact time increased to 2 seconds (was 1.5 seconds). Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope
Council of Dreams
Addressed an issue causing Barreling Charge to hit players standing closely behind Urctos.Items
Wherever possible, all cosmetics and collectibles that drop from a unique rare elite enemy in Forbidden Reach and Zaralek Cavern will now drop more often. Cache of Amirdrassil Treasures should now display the correct item level.
Developers’ notes: This was only a display issue and did not affect the items in the cache. Existing Rated PvP gear that was previously on the Veteran track should now be using the Champion track.
Developers’ notes: This change does not affect existing Class Sets either obtained from the Great Vault or items that were converted at the Catalyst. Those will be addressed in a separate hotfix.Player versus Player
Demon Hunter
Chaotic Disposition now has a 33.33% chance (base 7.77%) to increase damage by 4% (base 17%) in PvP combat, providing the same average damage bonus with significantly less variance. Druid
Eclipse will now properly track your Wrath and Starfire casts if Eclipse ends while you are Cycloned. Fury of Elune will now properly deal damage to enemies who are not in line of sight of the Druid. Feral
Regrowth healing is now reduced by 20% in PvP combat (was 43%). Evoker
Azure Strike damage increased by 40% in PvP combat. Time Stop (PvP talent) cooldown reduced to 45 seconds (was 1 minute). Chrono Loop (PvP talent) cooldown reduced to 45 seconds (was 1 minute). Augmentation
Upheaval damage reduced by 10% in PvP combat. Eruption damage increased by 15% in PvP combat. Preservation
Dream Flight healing increased by 100% in PvP combat. Mana regeneration now reduced by 5% in PvP combat (was 10%). Priest
Ultimate Penitence will now prioritize healing players in PvP combat and will only heal pets if all players are at full health. Holy
All healing increased by 6% in PvP combat.WoW’s 19th Anniversary
Reduced the Dragons of Nightmare Lethargy stun to 2 seconds (was 5 seconds). Reduced the health of Emeriss's Putrid Mushrooms by 85%. Adjusted the frequency of Emeriss's attack patterns.