World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 1 will have 12 different runes for each of the 9 classes in the game. We will be providing updates as soon as we have more information regarding the Hunter runes and their locations. Given the incredible interest from players for WoW SoD, we will most probably find out a lot of new changes and content in Azeroth.
We will be taking a look at all of the runes and their locations so you can fully optimize your builds and find your unique playstyle in WoW Classic+. Let's get started!
WoW SoD Hunter Runes & Locations

Aspect of the Lion Rune - Chest
8% of base mana
Instant cast
The hunter takes on the aspects of a lion, increasing total stats by 10% for all nearby allies, and increasing total stats for the Hunter by an additional 10%. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.
Aspect of the Lion Rune

Master Marksman Rune - Chest
Master Marksman Rune

Lone Wolf Rune - Chest
Lone Wolf Rune
- 24x Fish Oil (Murlocs and Naga from e.g. Hillsbrad Foothills).
- 20x Dark Iron Ordinance (drops from Dark Iron Dwarfs in Wetlands).
- 16x Shredder Turbocharger (Crafted by Engineering. Recipe is a drop from Sneed in Deadmines).

Cobra Strikes Rune - Chest
Cobra Strikes Rune
- Purchase Freshwater Snapper Bait from Zixil who is traveling on the main road in the Hillsbrad Foothills.
- Go to the lake southeast of Tarren Mill in Hillsbrad Foothills.
- Use Freshwater Snapper Bait on a small boat at the lake to spawn a Level 25 Elite turtle. The turtle drops the rune.

Sniper Training Rune - Legs
Sniper Training Rune

Kill Command Rune - Legs
3% of base mana, 5 yd range
Instant cast, 1 min cooldown
Give the command to kill, increasing your pet's damage done from special attacks by 60% for 30 sec. Each special attack done by the pet reduces the damage bonus by 20%.
Kill Command Rune
- Go to Ashenvale and kill Furbolgs, until they drop Gnarled Wand of Wild Magic.
- Combine Gnarled Wand of Wild Magic with Greater Magic Wand. Greater Magic Wand is crafted by Enchanters.
- Defeat Mutanus the Devourer in the Wailing Caverns dungeon.
- Go to Stonetalon Mountain to Jixo Madrocket (coordinates 60, 62)
- Give him the items to get your rune.

Serpent Spread Rune - Legs
Serpent Spread Rune
- Alliance: Can be purchased from the Azeroth Commerce Authority faction for 4 Gold 50 Silver once Honored has been achieved.
- Horde: Can be purchased from the Durotar Supply and Logistics faction for 4 Gold 50 Silver once Honored has been achieved.

Flanking Strikes Rune - Legs
3% of base mana, Melee Range
Instant cast, 30 sec cooldown
You and your pet deal simultaneous instant 100% melee damage. Afterward, your Mongoose Bite and Raptor Strike deal 10% increased damage for 10 sec, stacking up to 3 times. Raptor Strike has a 20% chance to reset the cooldown on Flanking Strike.
Flanking Strikes Rune

Beast Mastery Rune - Gloves
Beast Mastery Rune

Chimera Shot Rune - Gloves
12% of base mana, 8 - 35 yd range
6-sec cooldown
You deal 125% weapon damage, refreshing the current Sting on your target and triggering an effect:
Serpent Sting - Instantly deals 40% of the damage done by your Serpent Sting.
Viper Sting - Instantly restores mana to you equal to 60% of the total amount drained by your Viper Sting.
Scorpid Sting - Attempts to Disarm the target for 10 sec. This effect cannot occur more than once per 1 minute.
Chimera Shot Rune
- Orc: You will need to pick up the Hunt for the Rune quest from Jen'Shan and kill Scorpid Workers to get the rune.
- Troll: You will need to pick up the Rugged Terrain quest from Jen'Shan and kill Scorpid Workers to get the rune.
- Tauren: You will need to pick up the А Hunter's Strength quest from Lanka Farshot and kill Bristleback Battleboars to get the rune.
- Night Elf: You will need to pick up the А Hunter's Strength quest from Ayanna Everstride and kill Githyiss the Vile to get the rune.
- Dwarf: You will need to pick up the Trek Through the Caves quest from Thorgas Grimson and kill Frostmane Trolls to get the rune.

Explosive Shot Rune - Gloves
7% of base mana, 8 - 35 yd range
6-sec cooldown
You fire an explosive charge into the enemy target, dealing (Ranged attack power *0.14 + 103/100 *)-(Ranged attack power *0.14 + 155/100*) Fire damage. The charge will blast the target every second for an additional 2 sec. Cooldown shared with Arcane Shot.
Explosive Shot Rune

Carve Rune - Gloves
8% of base mana, Melee Range
Instant cast, 6-sec cooldown
A sweeping attack that strikes all enemies in front of you for 50% weapon damage.
Carve Rune