World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 1 will have 12 different runes for each of the classes in the game. We will be providing updates as soon as we have more information regarding the Priest runes and their locations. Given the incredible interest from players for WoW SoD, we will most probably find out a lot of new changes and content in Azeroth.
We will be taking a look at all of the runes and their locations so you can fully optimize your builds and find your unique playstyle in WoW Classic+. Let's get started!
WoW SoD Priest New Meditation Buff
World of Warcraft Season of Discovery has a new mechanic for Priest players. To learn the Priest runes, you need to have at least one Meditation buff, with some of them even requiring two active buffs at once. These buffs are 240 minutes long, persist through death, and can be obtained by meditating /kneel in a place of worship specific to your race.
- Meditation on the Light: Holy places such as Northshire Abbey, the stairs to the altar of the Stormwind Cathedral, and the Altars of Light in Anvilmar and Loch Modan
- Meditation on Elune: Moonwells, such as the one in Stormwind or the one in Darnassus.
- Meditation on Undeath: Any kind of Graveyard.
- Meditation on the Loa: Loa Altars, such as the one in Sen'Jin Village.
The intended way to get the Meditation buff of a race besides your own is to /kneel in front of a Priest of a different faith and have them /pray while targeting you. As long as they have their Meditation buff active, they'll pass it on to you.
There have been reports of some players simply being able to meditate in the places of worship of a different race to obtain a second buff by themselves, but it seems to be a very inconsistent bug.
WoW SoD Priest Runes & Locations

Void Plague Rune - Chest
13% of base mana, 30 yd range
Instant cast, 6-sec cooldown
Afflicts the target with a disease that causes (*39/100*6) Shadow damage over 18 sec.
Void Plague Rune

Serendipity Rune - Chest
Serendipity Rune
- 16x Shredder Turbocharger: Use Shredder Autosalvage Unit on Venture Co. Light Shredder. Shredder Autosalvage Unit can be crafted using Engineering. The recipe for this drops from Sneed in the Deadmines.
- 20x Dark Iron Ordinance: Drops from Dark Iron Dwarves in the north of Wetlands.
- 24x Fish Oil: Drops from level 25+ Murlocs and Naga.
You will then have to head back to your capital and return to Grizzby so can purchase the rune from him for 5 gold.

Strength of Soul Rune - Chest
Lesser Heal, Heal, Greater Heal, and Flash Heal reduce the remaining duration of Weakened Soul on targets they heal by 4 sec. In addition, targets of your Power Word: Shield will gain Rage from taking damage despite the damage being absorbed, and Righteous Fury will trigger from damage absorbed by your Power Word: Shield as if it were a heal.
Strength of Soul Rune

Twisted Faith Rune - Chest
Twisted Faith Rune

Power Word: Barrier Rune - Legs
4% of base mana, 30 yd range
Instant cast, 3-min cooldown
Summons a holy barrier to protect all party members at the target location for 10 sec, reducing all damage taken by 25% and preventing damage from delaying spellcasting.
Power Word: Barrier Rune
- Alliance & Horde: You will have to kill Blackrock Elite mobs in Stonewatch in Redridge Mountains until they drop the Prophecy of a City Enthralled. To get the rune, you will need to have 2 different Meditation buffs active.

Shared Pain Rune - Legs
Shared Pain Rune

Homunculi Rune - Legs
40 yd range
Instant cast, 2 min cooldown
Break off splinters of your soul to animate 3 miniature copies of yourself that attempt to attack your current target with a mace, sword, and axe, reducing the attack speed, attack power, and armor respectively of any target they hit.
Homunculi Rune

Prayer of Mending Rune - Legs
15% of base mana, 40 yd range
Instant cast, 10-sec cooldown
Places a spell on the target that heals them for (* 93 / 100) the next time they take damage or receive healing. When the heal occurs, Prayer of Mending jumps to a party or raid member within 20 yards. Jumps up to 5 times and lasts 30 sec after each jump. This spell can only be placed on one target at a time.
Prayer of Mending Rune Locations
After finding Adventurer's Remains or Adventurer's Spirit in one of the locations listed below, you will have to team up with another healer of any class to start the ritual. This will summon a mob, which will drop a rune for every player involved when defeated. However, the mob will despawn for some time after somebody finishes it, meaning it's harder to complete in popular zones.
- Human: Located to the east of a hill in southern Elwynn Forest (coordinates 49, 86).
- Dwarf: Located in the Grizzled Den.
- Troll: Located in an area south of the Valley of Trials (coordinates 48.0, 79.6).

Penance Rune - Gloves
16% of base mana, 30 yd range
Channeled, 12-sec cooldown
Launches a volley of holy light at the target, causing (*128/100) Holy damage to an enemy, or (*106/100) healing to an ally, instantly and every 1 sec for 2 sec.
Penance Rune Locations
- Dwarf: You will need to complete the Meditation on the Light quest from Branstock Khalder. You will have to find a memory of the past inside of a chest at the Trogg camp near Anvilmar. Then, kneel at the Altar of the Light within Anvilmar to meditate on the light, and use the memory to learn a new ability.
- Human: You will need to complete the Meditation on the Light quest from Priestess Anetta. You will have to fight kobolds until you find a memory of the past inside. Then, kneel at the Northshore Abbey to meditate on the light, and use the memory to learn a new ability.
- Night Elf: You will need to complete the Meditation on Elune quest from Shanda. You will have to kneel at the Moonwell until you find a memory of the past inside.
- Undead: You will need to complete the Meditation on Undeath quest from Dark Cleric Duesten. You will have to kneel in the Graveyard until you find a memory of the past inside.
- Troll: You will need to complete the Wisdom of the Loa quest from Ken'jai. You will have to kneel at the Loa Altar in Sen'jin Village until you find a memory of the past inside.

Mind Sear Rune - Gloves
28% of base mana, 30 yd range
Channeled (5-sec cast)
Causes an explosion of shadow magic around the enemy target, causing (70/100*) to (78/100*) Shadow damage every 1 sec for 5 sec to all enemies within 10 yards around the target.
Mind Sear Rune Locations

Circle of Healing Rune - Gloves
56% of base mana, 40 yd range
Instant cast, 6-sec cooldown
Heals all of target player's party members within 40 yards of target player for (* 162 / 100) to (* 180 / 100).
Circle of Healing Rune Locations
- Alliance & Horde:
- You will need to get the Dark Insight item by killing Defias Enchantes and Defias Night Runners in Duskwood.
- Then head to the secluded grave located in the northeast of Darkshire (coordinates 90, 30).
- To get the rune, you will need to have 2 different Meditation buffs active.

Shadow Word: Death Rune - Gloves
12% of base mana, 30 yd range
Instant cast, 12-sec cooldown
A word of dark binding that inflicts (* 261 / 100) to (* 305 / 100) Shadow damage to the target. If the target is not killed by Shadow Word: Death, the caster takes damage equal to the damage inflicted upon the target.
Shadow Word: Death Rune Locations
- Human: You will need to kill Leprithus in Westfall to get the rune.
- Dwarf: There are two ways to obtain the rune.
- Kill Mo'grosh Enforcer located in Loch Modan.
- Kneel in front of a serpent statue in Loch Modan (coordinates 72, 27).
- Undead: Go to Fenris Island in Silverwood and climb the tower. Above you will find a scroll on a table at Thule Ravenclaw that you can loot.
- Troll: Find the Desert Mirage in the wasteland near Ratchet around (coordinates 55, 36). Cast Dispel Magic on the Desert Mirage, causing it to die instantly.
- Night Elf: The rune is located on the small island outside of Auberdine by interacting with a small glowing orb.
