World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 1 will have 12 different runes for each of the classes in the game. We will be providing updates as soon as we have more information regarding the Priest runes and their locations. Given the incredible interest from players for WoW SoD, we will most probably find out a lot of new changes and content in Azeroth.
We will be taking a look at all of the runes and their locations so you can fully optimize your builds and find your unique playstyle in WoW Classic+. Let's get started!
WoW SoD Shaman Runes & Locations

Dual Wield Specialization - Chest
Increases your chance to hit with both spells and melee attacks by 5% while dual wielding and your Stormstrike ability now hits with both weapons while dual wielding.
Dual Wield
Tauren: Locate the Bag Vendor. Behind this vendor, you'll encounter a Tauren Rogue. Complete three quests for this rogue: "Finding Explosives in the Venture Co. Mine," "Gathering Pinecones from the Harpies," and "Filleting a Small Brilliant Fish." Upon successful completion of these tasks, you'll be rewarded with the Dual Wield Rune.

Overload Rune - Chest
Gives your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Chain Heal, Healing Wave, and Lava Burst spells a 33% chance to cast a second, similar spell on the same target at no additional cost that causes half damage or healing and no threat.
Troll: At Level 2 accept the 'Power from Shikrik' quest, which will make you kill Scorpid Worker to get Dyadic. Equip it and find the source of nature damage by fighting Dyadic, Shaman with Lightning Bolt and Earth Shock or a Hunter with Serpent Sting. Take Nature Damage 10 times. This will cause you to receive the Inspired buff and you'll be ready to trun in the quest to Shikrik.

Ancestral Guidance - Legs
For the next 10 sec, 25% of your damage is converted to healing on up to 3 nearby party members, and 100% of your healing is converted to damage on your most recent Flame Shock target.
Ancestral Guidance
Orc and Troll: Find the tree in the valley of centaurs with a corpse of an adventurer on the ground. You'll have to channel this corpse and you will get Ancestral Guidance.
Tauren: In order to get the rune, find an adventurer's corpse in Mulgore on an overlook (w/ 60,33). Go through the Venture Co. Mine to reach it and talk to the corpse, which will spawn a ritual. Click the portal and get your rune.

Way of Earth Rune - Legs
While Rockbiter Weapon is active on your main hand weapon, you deal 50% increased threat, gain 30% increased health, take 10% reduced damage, gain 6% reduced chance to be critically hit by melee attacks, and Earth Shock taunts targets to attack you and has a separate cooldown from other Shock spells but has its range reduced to melee range.
Way of Earth
Horde: Way of Earth is dropped by Rot Hide Mystic in Silverpine Forest.

Water Shield Rune - Gloves
The caster is surrounded by 3 globes of water, granting 1% of your maximum mana per 5 sec. When a spell, melee or ranged attack hits the caster, 4% of maximum mana is restored to the caster. This expends one water globe. Only one globe will activate every few seconds. Lasts 10 min. Only one Elemental Shield can be active on the Shaman at any one time.
Water Shield
Horde: The Water Shield rune is located in the Kolkar's Booty chests in the Barrens.

Lava Lash Rune - Gloves
You charge your off-hand weapon with lava, instantly dealing 100% off-hand Weapon damage. Damage is increased by 20% if your off-hand weapon is enchanted with Flametongue.
Lava Lash
Tauren: Head to the Lower Rise of Thunder Bluff, where you will find the Bag Vendor. Behind this vendor you'll find a Tauren Rogue. Complete three quests - 'Finding explosives in the Venture Co. Mine', 'Gathering Pinecones form the Harpies', and 'Filleting a Small Brilliant Fish'. You will receive the Lava Lash Rune as an award.

Molten Blast Rune - Gloves
Blast up to 4 enemies in a cone in front of you for (* 72 / 100 + 5 / 100 * Attack power) to (* 108 / 100 + 5 / 100 * Attack power) Fire damage. This ability generates a high amount of threat. Flame Shock periodic damage has a 10% chance to reset the cooldown on Molten Blast.
Saber Slash
Tauren: Saber Slash can be found at the Artifact Storage at the Bael'Dun Digsite west of Thunder Bluff in Mulgore. The key for it should be looted from nearby Dwarves.
Orc and Troll: Head to East of Razor Hill, where, in a small hut, you will find a crab trapped in ice. Use Fire spells to stack a Fire Damage debuff 5 times. Afterwards you'll be able to get Saber Slash.