World of Warcraft Season of Discovery has introduced a new 10-man raid with 7 different bosses for you to conquer during Phase 1. Blackfathom Deeps has been fashioned into the first Raid for SoD with more to come in the following phases. You can check out our comprehensive guide for all of the bosses in BFD here.
Since you are capped at level 25 during Phase 1 of Season of Discovery, this raid will introduce you to some basic mechanics and things to look out for when facing other PvE threats. We are providing a quick rundown of what to expect when encountering Ghamoo-ra as the second boss of the raid. Let's see what threats lurk in the depths below Ashenvale!

WoW SoD BFD Raid Ghamoo-Ra Abilities

Ghamoo-Ra is the 2nd boss in the instance for you to take down. This fight will be centered around his shell and bubbles.

Aqua Shell
- A big bubble surrounds Ghamoo-Ra, making him invulnerable to damage until it's removed by inflicting 100 instances of damage.

Aqua Shell
- Upon the Aqua Shell bursting, deals a large area of effect damage to everyone in the raid.

Crunch Armor
- Applies this debuff to his current target, removing 25% of the target's armor per stack.

Triple Chomp
- Attacks his current target three times in quick succession for devastating damage.
WoW SoD BFD Raid Ghamoo-Ra Encounter

After defeating the first boss in the instance, you will go to a small island full of neutral mobs. Make sure to kill all of the neutrals before pulling the boss. Once pulled, the tank must make sure to drag Ghamoo-ra to the center of the island so everyone can start tearing down his Aqua Shell.
You should not waste any of your cooldowns or consumables while the shell is up and you will need to look out for the small bubbles that will be chipped away from the shield. These bubbles deal damage and knock you back once you run over them, but they also restore mana.
His Crunch Armor ability is quite strong so the tank should only have 2 stacks before the off tank takes aggro. Once the Aqua Shell is destroyed, the boss will hit the entire group with a massive burst of damage so healers will need to ensure that everyone can sustain the impact.
Ghamoo-ra recasts Aqua Shell again after one minute and the cycle repeats, make sure to avoid unnecessary damage from the bubbles and you should be able to easily clear the boss.
Joardee has made an amazing video for all of the bosses in Blackfathom Deeps so we highly recommend checking it out for yourselves, here: