World of Warcraft Season of Discovery has introduced a new 10-man raid with 7 different bosses for you to conquer during Phase 1. Blackfathom Deeps has been fashioned into the first Raid for SoD with more to come in the following phases.
Since you are capped at level 25 during Phase 1 of Season of Discovery, this raid will introduce you to some basic mechanics and things to look out for when facing other PvE threats. We are providing a quick rundown of what to expect when encountering Twilight Lord Kelris as the sixth boss of the raid. Let's see what threats lurk in the depths below Ashenvale!

WoW SoD BFD Raid Twilight Lord Kelris Abilities

Twilight Lord Kelris is the 6th boss in the instance for you to take down. This fight will be centered around his shell and bubbles.

Mind Blast
- 1.5 second cast shadow damage spell, cast on the player second on threat. Interruptible until phase 2.

Shadowy Chains
- 1.5 second cast shadow damage spell that chains to anyone nearby, dealing damage and applying a magic DoT that ticks for 70 damage per second. Must be cleansed. Interruptible until phase 2.

Shadow Crash
- Lobs a shadow bolt at targeted player, dealing damage and leaving a large pool of damaging shadow magic. Avoid by running out of reticle.

- The two players closest to Twlight Lord Kelris get sent to the dream realm, removing them from the battle until they find a way to escape.

- At 35% Twilight Lord Kelris absorbs the Invading Nightmare's in the room and gains a damage buff, as well as becoming uninterruptible.
WoW SoD BFD Raid Twilight Lord Kelris Encounter

This boss fight has two phases, with the second one starting once his HP reaches 35%. In his second phase, all of his spells become uninterruptible and he has increased damage so all players will need to save their important cooldowns and consumables for this phase.
Phase 1
The tank should pull the boss where he stands while the ranged players should form a ball at max range and be vigilant to move out once he starts casting Shadow Crash. He will then begin channeling Mind Blast so make sure to interrupt it as soon as possible. Players should also look out for his Shadowy Chains cast and interrupt it as it can straight up wipe the group if left unchecked.
His Sleep ability will send the two closest to the boss players to the dream realm. They will need to escape it as soon as possible by killing the neutral Phantasmal Priestesses that worship near small statues. There are also Invading Nightmares which Twilight Lord Kelris absorbs for increased damage during his second phase, but they have too much HP to be dealt with accordingly.
Once these mobs get to low HP they will turn into Blackfathom Tendrils. Upon death, there is a chance a small portal will spawn that you need to click to return to the boss fight. Keep in mind that you have 30 seconds before all of the mobs become hostile and attack you.
Another thing to note is that the boss will not immediately target the same players who were under his Sleep ability so you will need to rotate players by ensuring you have enough fighting power and utility for the rest of the group to handle the boss' mechanics.
Phase 2
Once Kelris reaches 35% HP, he cannot be interrupted so make sure to spread out to mitigate all of the Shadowy Chains damage as much as possible. Hunter pets and melee classes will need to split into groups of two so that they do not chain the ability and hit the tanks and the ranged classes will need to look out for the tough DoT that comes from the Shadow Crash location.
This boss might require some potions to keep your healers from wasting too much mana on healing the raid. Shadow Protection Potion and Minor Magic Resistance Potion go a long way in terms of your group's survivability.
Overall, the group will need to play around his Shadowy Chains, Sleep, and Shadow Crash abilities to ensure that the damage is split evenly without causing unnecessary wipes.
Joardee has made an amazing video for all of the bosses in Blackfathom Deeps so we highly recommend checking it out for yourselves, here: