Perhaps you've joined the WoW Season of Discovery a bit late and find yourself struggling to catch up or compete with other players. Whether you're looking to level up quickly or amass gold efficiently, we've got you covered with some essential tips and tricks for success in SOD - best farming spots, add-ons and so much more.
Group Up

While it may seem obvious, teaming up with others will significantly accelerate your progress in SoD. Join forces with friends or find companions online to make your journey through the game more efficient and enjoyable.
Tagging Macros
In the early stages of the Season of Discovery, the landscape can be chaotic with numerous players vying for levels. To optimize your farming efficiency, employ targeting and attack macros using the following commands:
- /tar
- /startattack
- /cast sinister strike
Best Farming Zones for Maximum XP and Gold

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- 14-22 level: Westfall; Defias Trapper Hyperspawn
- 12-22 level: The Barrens (Horde), Harpies
- 22-26 level: Wetlands, Gnolls
- 26-30 level: Hillsbrad Foothills Mines
- 30-40 level: Dustwallow Marsh, Murlocs
- 40-45 level: Swamp of Sorrows, Murlocs
- 43-50 level: Tanaris, Pirates
- 50-54 level: Plaguelands, Undeads
Dungeon Farming
Focus on exploring Razorfen Kraul, one of the best dungeons in SoD, for valuable loot and drops. Selling rare items on the Auction House can quickly boost your in-game wealth. Here are all the available dungeons and their locations.
Early Professions
Consider learning wand crafting early on, as you can sell wands for a substantial amount on the WoW SoD auction house.
Infinite Storage
Take advantage of an infinite storage hack using a bank character, a new addition to Season of Discovery. Create a bank character and send unwanted items to them via the mailbox to free up inventory space.
Best Add-Ons for Leveling and Farming
Enhance your gaming experience with these top WoW add-ons:
- CodexLite: A quest helper providing guidance on where to obtain and turn in quests.
- Atlasquest: Helps locate dungeon quests.
- Rare Scanner: Scans the game for rare enemies and displays their locations on the map.
- What's Training: Informs you about spells available at each level in WoW.
- Rested XP Add-On: Paid add-on guiding you through the new server for each quest, facilitating quicker navigation.
Optimizing your gameplay with these tips and add-ons will undoubtedly give you an edge in the World of Warcraft Season of Discovery. Go out there and explore!