The release of WoW Season of Discovery Phase 2 is set for February 8, 2024, providing players with ample time to prepare for its arrival. This guide offers simple tips and tricks to help you get ready for the next World of Warcraft SoD phase, enabling you to level up faster and dive into the exciting content:
Pre-Questing and Quest Items:
Stack up on quests to turn in quickly once SoD Phase 2 begins. This, combined with a routing guide, will facilitate faster and easier leveling.
- Stock up on quest items so that you can accept and turn in quests immediately upon the release of Season of Discovery Phase 2.
Get Flight Paths:
Prepare flight paths in advance to move around more efficiently and level up faster. Flying to certain zones during SoD will be quicker than running.
Prepare Runes:
Although not necessary to obtain all 12 SoD runes, ensure you have some on hand. The usefulness of specific runes may become clearer as the phase progresses.
Farm as Much Gold as You Can:
Farming gold is crucial for World of Warcraft. Ensure you have a substantial amount to meet your needs during Season of Discovery Phase 2.
Max Out Reputations:
Prioritize increasing your reputations, with a focus on the Supply Officer reputation, as it is speculated to offer a new rune in Phase 2.
Level up your professions on all characters, and stock up on materials. This preparation will enable you to act quickly and efficiently when the time is right.
Level Up Your Alts:
Utilize the time leading up to the next phase in Season of Discovery to level up your alternate characters. Leveling alts may become more challenging once the new season begins.
We hope you find these WoW SoD tips helpful and enjoy the upcoming Phase 2 of Season of Discovery!